fertilizer for my grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by guy, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. hey im gonna start growing really soon got everything ready but will this fertilizer work its 14-14-14???????
  2. HIGH All, is it a slow release fert? If it isn't I wouldn't see why not.
  3. hey yes it iz a slow release fert y?
  4. HIGH All, hope I can help you with that HIGHgirly420...numbers that represent a HIGH number on most chemical fertilizer bags (10- 10- 10 or 18-18-18). These HIGH numbers represent salt-based synthetic or chemical fertilizers. The HIGHer the number the faster the release of NPK. Lower numbers like yours indicate a slow release of elements into the soil...just like nature would provide.

    Here's some reading that I hope will help.

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