Fertalizer question.... plz read

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by GreenBud420, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. ok.... so i just planted my germinated seeds in the ground 2 days ago..>
    i used miracle grow pro mix 2 bags of it at about a 6x8 spot it works.....
    anyways.... i have some tomato fertalizer that is all organic 1.1.1 and i was wondering when should i mix this in with the soil
  2. BUMPl............ need a reoply
  3. Are your germinated seeds already planted at the site?

    Does the pro mix have any added fertilizers?

    Are you mixing the MG soil with the native soil so that it's not full strength MG soil or is each plant getting its own hole with pure MG soil?

    Most people would suggest you wait til the plants get at least a few nodes to start fertilizing then just follow directions. Once they hit a month or so and look strong you might want to add some extra nitrogen with that fert but step it up, don't go heavy at first. BUT, it sounds like you want to add it to the soil and forget about it. Is that right and are you not going to be around to water much?

    Whether you are adding nutes to the water or adding nutes to the soil, I suspect most people would say wait until they have a few nodes or are a few weeks old.

    If you do add non organic nitrogen to the soil be careful that it's not too much because if it rains a lot they could burn. In the case of non organic it would be better to add a little to the soil every couple weeks or so. That's why it's better if you are watering you can just add it to the water in doses that are right for the plant. If you go the extra nitrogen route during veg you might consider nitrogen rich guano since it's organic and wouldn't likely burn even if it rains a lot.
  4. YES... the seeds are in the ground....

    i dug up the natural ground under the soil with a 3 prong tool and got it all soft and de rocked and layed the 2 bags of miracle grow stuff over it.....

    now they are sprouting and lookin nice green

    when do i use the tomato fert?
  5. Good question. I think most people would tell you to wait til the plants are 3-4 weeks old and then go slow with it at first. After they're about six weeks old you should add something with more nitrogen like a guano or something.
  6. You need better fertilizer in my opinion.
    Fertalizers should be 10-10-10 for sprouters(thats what I do)
    I would have used the sprouter mix indoors and put them under a couple
    of 80watt Flourescents/Compact Flourescents, put a fan on em, then put
    them outside.This way they will be strong&ready for the outdoor conditions.
    And then you can use better fertilizer.An organic mix is allways good.
  7. davoplot,

    So when your babies break through the ground you start giving them nutes, but probably a light version for a couple weeks? And I hear what you're saying about the fans. I'm going to try that with my next seedlings. I noticed it took a while for my stems to get stronger on these first three I started and they are still thin at the bottom where they meet the soil

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