FERT questions? "vigoro"

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by sharpshooter308, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. 12-10-5 for flowering wouldn't work great. There is WAY too much nitrogen. That looks more like a veg fertilizer if you ask me.

    If you want to grow good marijuana, put money into it. You aren't growing tomatoes here. You can get CNS17 for under 10 bucks a quart, and it'll last you an entire grow. You'll need to get the Grow for veg and ripe for flowering.
  2. ok im not opposed to putting money into it at all but i keep hearing fox farms and 45 bucks is steep when theres nothing to special about it ya know.
    Ill look into CNS thanks alot man
    i see "Botanicare CNS17 Coco Grow Qt 3-1-2"
    and "Botanicare CNS17 Ripe QT" in a 1-5-4 ratio, are these right?

    also ive seen some people on hear mention JACKS CLASSIC any opinion on that?

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