Fencing, anyone?

Discussion in 'All Sports' started by Umbrä, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hey everybody. Never in my life have I been all too into sports, but I recently decided I want to try and take up Fencing. I feel like stoner fencer is almost an oxymoron, what with all of the quick thinking and quick reflexes, but hey. Stoner or not I know I have those attributes, so maybe this is the sport for me. I was just wondering if any of you blades (Heh, blades) have played the sport, and if anyone would care to provide any pointers before I sign up for classes...

    Any of you played high? :eek:
  2. I know this is just me being close minded but honestly every person I've met whose fenced was a complete asshole or douche. Sorry bro.
  3. From what I've seen, Fencers are a pretty proud people.
    I'll try to keep my attitude in check. :p

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