Can you make feminized seeds with pollen sacks from a hermie strain on a female non-hermie strain Or will this produce hermie seeds?
I'm not 100% sure but it would seem to me that the seeds would be more geneticly predisposed to being hermi. I suppose it would be less likely than if say you allowed the hermi to self polinate but the seed would still contain genetic material from a plant that obviously contains that particular mutation. There are ways of producing femanized seeds such as the use of colloidal silver to induce male flowers on female plants. you can type in how to make colloidal silver in google and find out more. i just read about it the other day but it just seems much easier to me just to clone and keep a mother.
You're right The seeds would be female or hermies, since there is no male Y-cromosome. But at what ratio??? It's kind of a genetic lottery, you know.
How do you know that the hermie was a female? Males can hermie too. And some plants can be so genetically screwed up that they are neither truly male nor truly female at a genetic level.
Hey Toasty! Couldn't you just check the chromosomes? XX = female and XY = male. But it's probably more complicated than this (I just discovered some of the abnormalties that can occur). It makes me think of that African sprinter, Semenya... It was not easy to determine if she was really male or female. I think they concluded that she is female. I would say that a plant has the sex it shows first, in puberty, but if it later shows the other sex, it's a hermie. Most people wouldn't save the male long enough for it to turn hermie.
I took 2 males out 7 days into flowering. It was my first grow so i waited for flowers to actualy form before i separated them. The strain is Afternoon Delight if that helps at all. BTW thanks for all your imput!!
Give it a few years and Im sure we will have home genetic testing kits and be able to tell if a plant will be male or female within a week from sprout!