Feminist rant

Discussion in 'Politics' started by freegirl420, May 25, 2009.

  1. [quote name='freegirl420']First of all, I'd like to say wow ... I honestly anticipated a lot of replies telling me to stop whining or to shut up. I guess that just reveals my cynicism regarding this topic. I'm willing to admit that I'm far too sensitive about these kinds of issues, but I still think they are important.

    You're right about that ... probably in different ways, though, like a gold digger or the girl that always goes for the "bad boy" for his image even though he treats her like crap.

    Thanks for this post.....Hope you had a good weekend!
    Welcome back to the work week huh?
  2. I can't believe nobody has mentioned all the male enhancement ads that men have to deal with..

    im fine with my penis size, and im tired of all the damn emails! :mad:
  3. #43 JuicyGoose, May 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2009

    First of all, you're always going to have to worry about a guys real intentions with you. So get over it. Just wait until you find that one guy who has your heart and wants it for the right reasons.

    Secondly, "overweight guys"... shouldn't that say something right there? Why would you even give a fuck about their opionion? They are only being obnoxious and rude because they know they have the shit end of the deal and they need to do something for some kind of attention and some way of making their egos bigger. There self esteem is shot.

    And adolescence will do that to a little girl, remember when you were 12? I certainly remember feeling all awkward, just be there for them. Be a strong role model. Let them know just how much you love your body and how beautiful you are. Tell them that it isn't really what is on the outside that matters, because beauty fades.

    And I'm never treated badly, I've made it a point to make sure every man I've ever met in my life know I'm not some pussy bitch. I will stand up for what I believe in and I know my shit. I love myself and I love who I have become.

    It seems you need to find yourself. Next time tell those guys just how much overcompensating they are doing for their lack of sexual satisfaction to the ladies. :D

    And I'm not sexist, but before I stood up for myself guys took me for a sucker alot. I used to have dealers try to rip me off because they figured a girl wouldn't know what an eighth would weigh. News for you, I fucking do and I called him out on it.

    Besides, I love guys. 90 percent of my friends are guys, girls are usually the ones you have to watch out for. Guys are blatant assholes. Girls will fuck you from behind.

    Edit; Wow, look at the typos in that. I guess i should do the long posts before i get stoned. :D
  4. Fuckin' A Girl! WELL SAID! I agree with EVERY word of your post!
    Happy Wake-n-Bake!
  5. #45 Lacan, May 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2009

    Wait wait wait...

    I can't read this unless I have a samwich... Would you ...
    Nevermind. See what happens when you give them the right to vote? :D

    edit. But in all serious, I mean the only thing holding 'women' back is 'women.' The reason your gender can't get its shit together and keep pushing for *SOCIAL* equality, is because most of you are manipulative, controlling, bitches. Yep. I said it. I'm a recovering chauvenist, so excuse me if I seem blunt, but on average- the majority of your gender is 'ok' with being objectified sexually, and even newer forms of feminism are using it to champion a dominance of men.

    I just recently read about a 23 year old girl auctioning off her virginity for like 50million dollars or something. I mean, you are literally complaining about something your gender uses to have 'power' over men. Which to me, seems like the most awesome trick we ever played on your gender, but then again, I am just an ignorant man.

    I myself think you should be really grateful that we still don't go by the medieval/early rules on how women are treated. I mean, you're complaining about dudes at college, you're lucky to BE at college. ;) Jokes, Jokes. But seriously, at least you don't have to worry about being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, or raped and sterilized like they seem to be doing to women in Africa.

    On average, and in comparison to the rest of the world, I'd say you're doing alright, sister.
    I'm sorry a guy wanted to have sex with you... Sometimes we guys... we like to think about women naked. We're not too complex, and very easily amused. :bongin:
  6. Try to not become insecure as a male growing up with "Male Enhancement" ads all over TV and the radio.....

    Let's face it.....Insecurity is partly personality. I'm 35 lbs overweight, my hair is turning grey and I need to take Viagra when I go to the bathroom so I don't piss on my testicles (hung like a lightswitch).....But I'm cool with who I am. Yeah, I know, if I put the work in I could have the body of a Greek god, and I could get my hair dye-ed and I could take Enzyte, but I don't.......Because I'm cool with who I am. 18 years ago, when I was 20.....(without sounding conceited) I had the "look" and wasn't overweight. I thought the same way back then.

    Personal security/insecurity has alot to do with personality and family. I was raised to think what I want, speak my mind and to be myself. I couldn't imagine changing the way I look, think or act in order to "impress" someone else. If I have to do that to impress you, then you're not the type of person I want to associate with anyway.

    That's the real truth right there.
  7. GirlyS - yes, that was a good post. It's true (I think) that men with low self-esteem act differently than women with low self-esteem.Thank you for the advice ...

    No, I've found myself (I'm right here!).

    No, seriously though, you can't treat my post like it's some personal issue I have. You can't pretend like these issues don't exist here.

    Women are treated like objects or body parts a lot. For some people, we're broken down into commodities, and the media endorses that because it sells products. And it does effect the psyches of little girls, especially those without strong female role models.

    Yeah, same here. Sometimes I wish I was a guy, too. All of my male friends view women as equal counterparts to themselves and they treat me with a lot of respect. Despite what the media teaches them to think.

    Agreed. Most sexism are imposed by women by themselves. It's a sad fact.
  8. The only reason men treat some women like object is because they think they can, as soon as they see that woman as their equal they are fucking blown away. Gone is the piece of meat perspective.

    But you are right. Too many men still have the little boy mentality. It come with maturity too.

    Everyone has something wrong with them, but everyone also has something very beautiful about them too, just remember that everyone :D
  9. #49 aaronman, May 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2009

    I thought I had every right to call you sugar tits and pay you less than a man... (edit: not simultaneously, of course) Why don't you get a job in the Public sector if you can't handle the heat? Or better yet, start your own company and then you can call me sugar tits, and pay me whatever you want! (but if I'm actually a good employee you wouldn't want to do that...)

    I know all about the mistreatment of women by men that subscribe to a collectivist mindset, and vice versa, but I still fail to see how you don't have equal rights.

    Equal rights does not mean affirmative action and special privileges to make the boys play nice, that is equalization.

    Maybe the gender wage gap has a lot less to do with discrimination than you think. Women's Earnings
  10. #50 Agalloch, May 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2009
    I really liked disney movies growing up.

    Also I am a traditional man. I am all for equality, but I still think the woman's place is at home taking care of the house and kids while the man goes out and busts his balls for the living.

    Sad truth is today it just can't work, most families need two working parents to survive.

    I hate feminists.

    As far as all the feminazi's are concerned, I am a masculinist.
  11. Like, the fucking jungle book!!!!!:wave:

  12. Fortunately for us, the US constitution does a pretty good job of giving us equal rights. But it's not about that, but rather a general sentiment from men that women have to deal with every day... that especially effects us in the workplace.

    Women worldwide were only given the right to vote within the last 150 years. The kind of mindset that regulates women to second class citizens takes more then 4 or 5 generations to undo.

  13. ^^Like this.

    Thank you for telling me where my place is. :rolleyes:

  14. Yea, I agree and that sucks.

    Wouldn't you agree though that competitive business ventures are cutthroat, and men are more aggressive and suited for combat-like-business? Something like 95% of occupational fatalities are men, why aren't women jumping on those dangerous jobs?

    Sadly, I think women will always have to struggle to prove themselves in the workplace. The stereotypical feminine mentality of being nurturing and compassionate just doesn't apply to most business models outside of the service industry.

    If you want to make it in the high-profile business world you need to take on more masculine qualities for sustaining profitability, not for social reasons.

    But for people to say women don't have equal rights in America is just stupid.
  15. I have to disagree here. While I think that it's probably true that men with extreme bodies (super-thin, body-builder massive), there are a ton of extremely attractive men in the media, at a far higher proportion than in the population. Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, Julian McMahon, the list goes on and on, but these are all men that are generally held to be very attractive. And neither I, nor anyone I know, looks like them. But I constantly have to hear about how hot the latest male celebrity looks, and I don't and can't look like them, short of extreme plastic surgery. And on top of their natural good looks, they are caked with makeup and carefully lighted in every appearance, further deepening the fantasy of their attractiveness.

    I agree, although there are plenty of older women in movies, they are just not billed as sex symbols (though there are certainly fewer roles available to them). Unless of course they go through extreme plastic surgery or spend a fortune to keep themselves looking youthful.

    Penis size is absolutely an unrealistic (and even mysterious) standard to which men perceive we are held (very few men have a clear idea of at which point penis size switches from adequate to inadequate). This has reached the point that there is an entire massive industry based around 'male enhancement', even though all of the products are essentially guaranteed not to work. This is a perfect example of an unattainable standard. However, even though this is a clear (and in my opinion, unassailable) example, one example on the male side doesn't necessarily equal the sum of examples on the female side.

    I'd be hesitant to infantilize men with inappropriate attitudes towards women. The men-compared-with-boys idea is often used, but I think that the idea is to shame males into behaving better, rather than to describe the rationale for their behavoir. I think that there are plenty of 'men' who are just assholes, or have bad attitudes for some other reason. Casting them as children reframes the problem as something other than it is, making it harder to fight.

    I read the abstract of that study you posted, and it said that even accounting for other factors, and the eage gap declining over time, women still earned less than men, and the survey data wasn't sufficient to explain what the reason for the remaining difference was. They even cite discrimination as a possible cause- and regardless of what's causing the wage gap, if any of it is due to sexism then there's a problem to be addressed.

  16. You're welcome! Thanks for being so fucking difficult about it! :rolleyes:
  17. My point was to illustrate that discrimination isn't necessarily the largest contributor to unequal pay, but work patterns are.

  18. Oh, we definitely place limitations on ourselves when it comes to working in the business world. Not all of our problems are the result of men. I will be the first person to say that women can be our own worst enemies.

    But when your male boss believes that your "place is in the home", no matter how cut throat or competitive you are, that will ALWAYS be a wall that's in your way.

    I don't agree that the only way for women to achieve equality in the work place is to be more masculine. "Oh honey, you are equal, you just need to act like us". That's pretty condescending.

    I know plenty of successful women business owners, who didn't need to pretend that they had balls in order to be where they are today.
  19. Fair enough, but as a contributor it's still a problem and an instance of inequality based on sex.
  20. I think we should have a gender war. Men will win, things will go back to the way they should be.

    I didn't just post that.

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