Grasscity - Cyber Week Sale - up to 50% Discount do guys get into these situations!?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Boson-H, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. what would it take for you personally to just get with 1 or 2 other females and suck a guys dick!? i mean how does a guy get into that situation. something HE says or y'all are just like damn he's sexy let's go attack his cock or what? gotta be drunk, high, etc? i mean look at this lucky bastard

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  2. Grasscity blowjob meetup thread? :D
  3. I wouldn't know per$onally. I bet it ha$ $omething to do with how genuine the guy i$.
  4. Get em drunk, if they makeout and their not dikes, then they would def blow a dude together.
  5. Depends on the girl. My gf and I used to talk about having a threesome with a guy all the time. She said she wanted to see me work my seductive skills on a guy because I was telling her the dirty details of a sexual encounter.:devious:
    But now she'd probably get jealous.. sooo catch two biseXual girls who are fwb or really early in a relationship and buy some drugs that shall not be mentioned on this site.;)
  6. I c wut you did thur ;)
  7. So do the moderators - which isn't cool.

    Expect a warning
  8. You better watch yourself.
  9. Some girls are just attention whores.
  10. is this subliminal imaging for $$$?
  11. no, not at all
  12. um...source?
  13. any more tips from FEMALES?
  14. I will be the antagonist and say that orgys don't sound very awesome to me. Too much saliva and other bodily fluids going around.

    But I would say hang out with insecure young girls and tell them that you think it's hot to watch girls make out. Then pull your dick out lol
  15. the green tongue leads me to believe a 4loko or joose type product was involved. high chance they are all drunk

    those girls look kinda young....

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