Female - producing seeds late ?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Crutch, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Ok so I am going to cut down my girl tonight or tomorrow.... I think she has started producing a few seeds! gggrrr but anyways my question is... Will these seeds be female seeds or just random seeds?
  2. High there, it is quite normal to find the odd seed in your bud. Just a last ditch effort by the plant to carry its genes on. I found 2 seeds in my last harvest of 6 girls, sadly I can not help you on what sex they will be as I have lost mine!!! Im such a stoner

    Is it just one or two seeds or do you have a hermie?
  3. It's def. not a hermie! Just one bud I can see that produced a few seeds. This bud hung out and hit the grow box door every time it was opened and closed. I am sure that stressed it out enough to start producing seeds. I did notice the start of a few banna's on closer buds but I am not worried about that due to it's coming down tonight.

    I thought I read somewhere that if a female does produce seeds late that they will be hermied... kinda would liek to know cuz maybe I could use them for a small outdoor grow if they are female or maybe mixed.
  4. #4 zpyro, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
    lmao do you think you have Jesus Christ seeds? this is the first I've ever heard of cannabis and immaculate conception :p seeds need pollen to form dude. if you don't have any males to pollinate the plants, then your plant turned hermie. bottom line. those bananas you found? that's hermaphroditism.
  5. I have also heard that they will be hermies but you hear a lot of stuff on GC, not all of it is true. You should germ them and do a journal to put the record straight, I was going to before my seeds left home!

    I do not know with your girls though as it sounds like you have a hermie bud due to the stress of the door as you say.

    Good luck
  6. Yo, he said that it is the stress of the grow box so it may have turned hermie due to the stress.

    My own all sensi crop, all femmed has given me two seeds during a 6 plant harvest with no signs of hermie. Should I build her a temple?
  7. #7 zpyro, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
    Well yeah...that's kinda what I said :confused: Doesn't really matter if it's stress or genetics, hermie is hermie.

    As far as your asexual production, unless you have an actual scientific explanation as to how a zygote can be formed with only one gamete (in Cannabis), start building. Just because you didn't find the bananas doesn't mean they weren't there. I had hermies with my crop too, I picked out a bunch of bananas before they were ripe and I still missed a bunch because they were buried in the buds.
  8. yeah it turned hermie than dude.... WTF yeah I know it's producing seeds hence it turned hermie but I thought he was asking if it was a hermie from the start.
  9. if it's late, don't worry too much about it. Just pick out what you find and you'll be good. The only downside is that the seeds might not be viable since they're so young. I had quite a few seeds form on mine, the power company fucked up the light schedule twice during flower. One of the seeds dropped off the mother and sprouted in the soil next to it, since I left some to re-veg :D
  10. Thats really sucks man... I am def. not worried about it... just kinda wondering more or less if anyone knew anything about the seeds. yeah I was thinking about maybe revegging but just don't know enough about it to due it yet. I could probably veg it in my box again for awhile and than plant it outside in a month.
  11. the answer to your question is they will be random

    some of those seeds will be male, some hermie and some female

    lol hermies are a pain in the arse - in my latest grow I had one plant that had one bud site that had hermied and I had to pull the whole plant - doesnt matter if you pick off bananas when you see them because if you see one then there's dozens in there

  12. I had read that a stress-induced hermie will make female seeds, while a genetically hermie plant will make female as well as hermie seeds. dunno how true that is, I didn't really bother to keep the seeds I found because I had a bagseed plant in there that wasn't very good genetics that was hermie. The one seed that sprouted on its own I transplanted to its own container, but I don't know if it's a seed made from the good plant's pollen or the bagseed's pollen
  13. I can only go by my own experience - I collect any seeds and then germ them even though I also use clones and i've had m/f/h results every time

    i've had plants that h'd right from the get go and plants that h'd late - hard to tell if they were going to be h's anyway

    but bottom line is that I get m/f/h results

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