Fem vs. male

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by shift00420, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. how do you tell the difference between male & female seeds. Do seed producers pick through a batch of seeds or do the plants produce only fem seeds at a certain time in the grow period :smoking:
  2. You can´t!!!!!
  3. Well there are a few ways, you lick the seed a little. If it tastes like lemons, it's a female, if it tastes more like a sweet citrus, it's a male.

    Also, if you take a stethoscope and listen to the seed, females make little clicking noises and males make more of a thumping noise.

    One last thing, if you grow your seed and it forms flowers, it's a female, if it has pollen sacs, it's a male.
  4. they genticly fuc wid them to make them all female seed
  6. lol dude your so gonna get this kid confused. lol but its funny as hell.
  7. You cannot tell gender by the seed's appearance, you have to grow them out to sexual maturity to tell.

    Breeders use cross-breeding techniques, hormones, and stress plants in special ways to induce females to produce pollen sacs, that pollen is 100% feminized, then they use that to pollinate another female to produce the feminized seeds you may have heard about.
  8. :hello:finally a good answer, im still going to try the stethoscope method though:D
  9. Make sure to let us know how well that works lol... :smoking:

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