it may still be too early to call it, but out of 13 seeds of mine that have been planted this year, so far i've only ID'ed one male plant. all these seeds came from last year's harvest which included one hermaphrodite as the only male contributor. i had once heard that feminized seeds were the product of a female and a hermie. any truth to that? have i just been incredibly lucky? i guess i should add that i'm not 100% sure which plant these seeds were from, but i have to assume most were probably from the hermaphrodite plant itself... that is, given that a plant can actually pollinate itself.
Courtesy of Leafly: There are a few techniques that can produce reliably feminized seeds. One classic method is stressing out a healthy female plant by interrupting its light cycle during flowering. While that works to an extent, the more common and controlled method is to spray down female plants with a collodial silver or silver thiosulphate solution. This method makes it possible to control the sex of a plant without any genetic tinkering or modification.
How to Make Feminized Cannabis Seeds at Home | Grow Weed Easy According to those........the seeds "you produced" were feminized
Most generally a seed from a hermie plant only produces another hermie plant IME. After a coulple times you just say fuc it. Edit: From article This method is "natural" and these seeds will all end up being mostly female, but the problem is you're selecting for plants that naturally hermie (grow both male and female sex organs) without any chemical induction. This means the resulting seeds are much more likely to turn hermie in natural conditions too.
i wish i could remember how the hermie plant presented itself last year.... whether the male parts showed up much later. the one plant i did cut down this year was definitely 100% male.
just an update... one more male in the group... interestingly, i numbered the pots as i transplanted the seedlings and the only two males were #1 & #2... the other 11 plants are definitely female and well into flowering... no hermis this year.
A true hermie plant will show its male parts first then female parts, if YOU did someting to stress it during flower, like turn lights on during dark cycle, or let it flower to long, then theres a chance it will hurmie too. If you didnt see male flowers in first 2 weeks, then you did so eting to cause it. The plant I am growing came from a hermie, and I am not worried about it becoming a hermie, because the bud it came from looked like it was flowered too long and gave you severe couch lock. Im in the process right now trying to feminize some seeds, bought some colliadal silver and have two clones ready to go.