Fellow smokers..

Discussion in 'General' started by TheOldReliable, May 1, 2011.

  1. Hello :wave: So I went to the typical highschool with the typical sterotypes. Everyone who smoked was a part of the "stoner" crowd, and for the most part outside of that group everyone just thought no one smoked. Everyone I considered friends were totally against Marijuana, but I managed to go through high school all while loving the plant. When in life do you start meeting people that enjoy the herb and still have a decent lifestyle? If Grasscity was a highschool I would be able to say I know many more of these people im talking about but its not. So fellow smokers when did you start meeting people that loved smoking but aren't your typical stoner from high school? thanks. oh and this is to have no negative attitude torwards "stoners" I too have stoner friends and don't hate against it at all. thanks :)
  2. college
  3. I don't see why people can't be friends with people even though they prefer different things like smoking marijuana. I would never hold that against someone
  4. I agree completely but that's because you smoke. If I were to tell the people I hung out with in high school that I smoked I know for a fact that they would hate on it. But then again this is prob. why I only see them a couple times a year now :)
  5. Time to find new friends. If they really wouldn't like you anymore because you smoke they are not true friends
  6. I mean I guess I see where your coming from with this, but at the same time I know how they are really "friends" even if they don't agree with smoking! Sometimes you have to take a closer look into someone to understand why they think smoking is so bad. :)
  7. Yea I feel you. I just have never been in that situation before. I usually stay clear of judgmental people

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