[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtwjtpV8j4]YouTube - Pot Possession in Calif Now Like Speeding Ticket[/ame]
good news, but a few days old. also should be in the legalization/news area where it has already been posted. nontheless: edit: "A fellow in the broadest sense is someone who is an equal or a comrade." ehh, Canada isnt California
So does the reporter not actually know that the law takes effect Jan 1, or is she just trying to get as many people busted before the law takes effect by telling them it's in effect now
"[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtwjtpV8j4"]Pot Possession in Calif Now Like Speeding Ticket[/ame]" Nah, they'll legalize marijuana on Nov. 2. The only speeding tickets people will get is driving to their dispensaries on Nov. 3.
The bad part of this decriminalization law is that it still leaves probable cause for the police to search you if they smell marijuana on you or your car. Or their dog does. Can you see the look on a dog handlers face when he can no longer use a dog because they are trained to bust marijuana,which they will detect on nearly every car on the highway,not to mention while driving through every neighborhood.
The other bad thing is that while there is no arrest and no court appearance, the ticket itself creates a paper trail (public record). Employers, etc. can find this info if they are willing to dig. We need Prop 19 to get rid of this potential for employers to use discriminatory practices against tokers.
You bring a very good point, but at least this is a step in the right direction. I'd much rather be facing the equivalent of a speeding ticket than a true criminal record, although either might be as difficult to explain to a potential employer...