Fellow Blades, Props to all of you.

Discussion in 'General' started by TheRadical, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. But especially those of you going through finals now or in the near future. And for those of you who have just finished your finals, I envy you.

    But if it wasn't for that sweet herb getting me through those long days at the books, or for GC providing me with endless procrastination, I would surely go mad during this period that students everywhere curse from the depths of their being.

    So to everyone who can relate, good luck

  2. So true bud, Im nearing the end of my college days Past my exams btw:smoking: and had one hell of a ride.
    And what helped me all along the way every day and night? Thats right, maryjane.
    so to all you students alike, keep having a blast because those days go quick.
    Im high as hell so
  3. Man, I'm 27 and barely starting college - just taking classes at night... but even taking one class a quarter drives me up a wall... I stress out until I'm done and relax for a bit until it starts all over again. Oof... if there were no marijuana, I don't know what i'd do.
  4. Last exam was today, which I aced. Calculated a 4.06 GPA for the semester. We'll see in a week I guess.
  5. I had 6 papers due this week
    finals all next week
    gotta love college :hello:

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