Feeling like complete shit. Spark up?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by DankMedical, May 4, 2012.

  1. Well my sore throat and cough has decided after 4 days to pick its game up and give me chills, a 102 fever WITH ibuprofen, cold sweats a horrible headache ...

    Not to mention I have fucking senior prom on Saturday. I need help what do I do
  2. Smoke up until your felling better.
  3. Don't smoke. If you're that sick you might feel better while you're high but worse afterwards. I mean come on you have a 102 fever even after an ibuprofen.
  4. Damn dude same here! Must be something going around, I haven't taken my temperature but my heads is so fucking hot. Have t taken medicine either. Trying to fight it off because I rarely get sick.

    Working in the hot ass sun for 8 hours a day doesn't help me either :( shit good luck though. And yea I wouldn't smoke, bad idea.
  5. It might ease the headache and clear your head a bit. But you'll still be sick, and it will worsen the sore throat. Your fever symptoms won't go away, and they'd be a total buzzkill. Know this from experience.
  6. I smoked a couple of weeks ago just as I had similar flu symptoms coming on and it did absolutely nothing for my chills, just helped me get to sleep. Smoked again when I was coming out of the flu and it helped a lot. I don't know where the fuck I'm going with this.
  7. Smoke a couple of bowls and go to bed.... don't just stay awake lol sleep is your friend while your sick
  8. Smoke! it will make you feel better, help you relax and keep your mind off it, but I remember one time I smoked with the flu and I felt way worse.. but mixed with a comfy warm bed, ended up being knocked out.
  9. smoke - nap - recover.
  10. take your vitamins. esp vitamin d. drink alot of liquids too. that plus smoking should have you back on ur feet by sat
  11. just get so high you forget what the problem was in the first place

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