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Feeling Like A P.o.s

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mrmuffinman, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. I recently finished my first year of state college. Yay for me. I was given congratulatory cards from my family and they contained the common - $30, $50 gifts. My dad gave me $600. I felt so happy and guilty at the same time because the first thought i had was to use half of it for an O. I know im gonna use money from work for it anyway so i might as well use the gift money. But i cant shake the feeling that with a card telling me how proud he is of me , and me spending half of that money on drugs just makes me feel bad.
  2. If you're getting enjoyment out of it, I don't see a reason to feel bad. It's not hurting anyone else, unless your weed is brick weed from Mexico. Enjoy it brother, it's a gift! :smoke:
  3. #3 Jumbo, Jun 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2013
    So use it on something else?
    What do you want me to say? 
    I would have told my dad he should have just got me an OZ lol 
    Put 400$ in the bank, use 200 for weed, enjoy your time off from school...
    Most other kids would use that money to go out and get shit faced for a week, smoking a bit of weed is better than that.... 
  4. smoke some of that o and feel better..don't feel guilty he gave it to you as a gift to do with it what you want.  Would you feel guilty if you spent the money on beer?
  5. I'd spend that on some good weed in a heartbeat. Wish I was in your position, man. Don't feel bad about it cause if you were gonna buy it anyway, might as well buy it with the gift money they gave you.
  6. It's your money now, and marijuana isn't really a true drug in my eyes.

    If you still feel guilty about it, just don't spend it all on weed, buy other things! You have plenty to spend now. 
  7. I'd say that maybe the guilt is about the actual act of getting high, maybe because it's illegal?
    Would you have the same problem if it were a new video game, movie, or something else you enjoy?
  8. I think its that and the fact that it would look bad if he found out.
  9. Who the hell gets gifts for finishing a year of college? Never heard that one before lol..
    If you feel guilty thinking about buying the weed that will only translate over to when you're smoking it too. Just spend your own money on weed if you think of it like that. The way I see it though; they gave me that money; its mine now. Their ideals or preferences about me have no pertinence to the spending of my own money.

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