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Feel totally impaired when high.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by geoffparker1988, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Let me just begin that, in the grand sceme of things, I'm pretty dang new to pot. I've been smoking a lot over the past two weeks, but before that, I never ever got high in my life.
    So, now that that's out of the way, when I'm high, I don't feel like I'm experiencing the same high that everyone else describes. This is the high I experience:
    My mind just goes incredibly hazy. I feel this pressure in my head, not like a headache and not necessarily even a bad pressure, but it's just a neutral pressure. My reaction time is slowed down so much, and anything I do feels like I'm taking forever to do it. I get disoriented a ton and lose stuff. Conversations are really hard because I'm so slow that I feel that everything I say is just off. I can get pretty paranoid if I'm in a public situation, not because I'm afraid I'll be caught, but because I'm afraid of what people will think about me, how people are judging me both normally and also because I'm high.
    I will say though, some things are amazing high, and it's why I keep on going back. Music is so good. It just pierces through my head and goes straight into my mind. Videogames, while almost impossible when I'm high, are super fascinating. I get so absorbed in to the world in a way that I would never be able to achieve sober. Exercise is easier as I forget that I'm, for example, running… or it's not as much as a worry that my body is bitching at me to quit, because I get lost in my music. And porn… oh god, porn is to die for. My mind goes places it hasn't gone since I was 13. I haven't tried sex, but I hear it's way better.
    My question is, can I feel the same awesome things I listed while also avoiding the total impairment part of my first paragraph? I want to be functional.

  2. The disorientation is what I would be concerned about. Everything else seems fine. Is it laced or is it just how weed effects you?

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  3. I think it's just how weed effects me. I've tried multiple kinds of weed, and it always happens.
  4. The weed isn't laced. You're probably just smoking too much, man. How much do you usually smoke in a sesh? You kind of have to let a tolerance build before you go all Bob Marely on the stuff
  5. Sounds like cannabis gives you slight anxiety. But that is practically exactly what being stoned is. All of those things lol. When I'm faced I can hardly prepare semi accurate sentences let alone do half those things you said. I think you'll be alright brother man.

  6. #6 medatitus, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014
    Ive been smoking alot for the past month and what I've discovered is that as you get used to it your high will change. You will learn how to manage it alot better. It will also change as your situation changes.
    For example: When I first started smoking I was really depressed, like totally devestated and had a ton of anxiety. I had never smoked before and I got ahold of some dank herb. I smoked two hits of that and I'd be on my bed feeling my body listening to pink floyd.
    Now that my circumstances have changed the herb affects me in a different way, I have a lot more control and I get really contemplative, sometimes really deep and sad. 
    So always remember that your experience will change.
    I guess it also matters if your getting good stuff like dispensary grade, or bunko stuff from friends. 
    If you're not smoking in glass I recommend that, control how much you smoke and keep in mind that the best things while sober are the best while high too.
    As a guy who suffers from mental illness I would say look out for thought patterns that come up in your head such as anxiety, paranoia, depressive thoughts and try to be aware and change them while youre experiencing the high so they won't bug you.
    Sativa-dominant strains will help you out quite a bit. Research time. 
  8. I get self conscious and can't be in public while high or I freak out that everyone is judging me and I look stupid. I can't talk at all because I'm so lost in my head.

    No real advice, just that weed brings out inner insecurities and isn't for anyone/until you eliminate those ghosts from your closet.

  9. Yeah dude you've just got a really low tolerance right now and you're probably smoking a bit more than is needed to achieve a good high.... But that is never a bad thing (unless you're trying to conserve).
    Keep doing what you're doing.  If you know you have to be somewhere or have something important to do soon, don't smoke as much. On days you know you have nothing to do, smoke a lot.  Portion control is very important, and it shows that us pot heads aren't a bunch of dependent drug addicts looking to get completely stoned any and every chance we get.
    Soon, you'll be having to smoke so much weed to get the same high you have been.  That's when you take what's called a t-break (tolerance break) for maybe 2 weeks give or take without smoking.  This is so the next time you smoke, your tolerance will have gone down a bit and it wont take as much meds to get you back up there.
    Also.. the more you smoke and get accustomed to the stoney life, you'll get very comfortable doing normal every day things while high off your ass.  Walking and talking in public and interacting with strangers will feel completely normal and maybe even feel easier than if you aren't high.  Personally, I feel more comfortable doing just about anything high rather than not, but that's just me and because I've spent a lot of time doing such things in that state of mind. 

    I'm writing a shit ton, but one of my favorite things to do high is walk the beach and the shops and what not. There's always people around and music and food.  It's my favorite stoney place, although it can be tricky being that I am in Florida and currently marijuana isn't legal. That's where a small chillum and some eye drops come in.
    Edit:  P.s.  As for your weed being laced..... that is highly unlikely.  It's a huge money loss for someone to lace weed, and for what outcome? There's just no sense in it and it's very very rare to come across laced weed.  You WILL find tampered-with weed though.  Dampened by water to add some weight = more profit for the seller/less bud for you.  Sometimes powder glass will be put on the buds to give a more crystally look = more profit for seller. It is very easily recognized though.. just touching the bud will make your fingers feel sandy. Most dealers can spot this easily and if they're good dealers, they don't tolerate that shit. Also, it's likely that what you're buying from them is the same herb they're smoking on themselves. 
    Smoke on brother. Everything you said is completely normal.
  10. ^^ very well said mate. Nice to meet you. How are you?

  11. Hell yeah I miss the first times I got high like that.  It was magical.  Enjoy it while you can bro.
  12. Slow down, captain.... Enjoy it while it lasts, cause it WILL fade.
  13. Something very important to remember is you have only been smoking for 2 weeks.
    The first many highs seemed much more impairing to me then the highs I experience now (8 months of moderate daily smoking).In saying that I connect with and respect my highs a lot more now. I believe the better you understand your high the more you have control over how you experience it. Tiredness, energy, laughing, crying all comes in to it. If you continue to experience such an intense impairment maybe the herb is not for you.
  14. Switch strains to pure sativas or heady sativa-dominant strains.
    Indicas give you the couch-locked body high that you described.
  15. almost all those can be good things if u change your outlook on em. be positive.

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