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Feel more hungry after consuming marijuana

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by shiva eye, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Yup, i feel more hungry after i consume marijuana. :eek: what it is? i dont know why?
  2. It's called the munchies. It's quite common.
  3. Weird as fuck, you should get that checked out.
  4. Just in case you might actually be that uneducated and an absolute total noob- cannabis lowers blood sugar which increases hunger. Cannabis also enhances your sense of taste, especially for sweet things. Plus, you are a bit more suggestible when stoned and all those food commercials on TV makes you want to eat more food!

    Since you appear to be completely lacking any education about our wonderful healing herb, I strongly suggest that you click the first link in my sig and start reading! EDUCATE YOURSELF!


  5. fucking spray him in the eyes hahaha
  6. don't try 2 teach me.. you tool
  7. :D

    Take him away boys!
  8. You're the tool.
  9. #10 shiva eye, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    You all are dumb-bell get lost from here... jerk off
  10. Just in case you didn't see it the first time, amidst the chaos.
  11. Let it go both of you. Stop name calling, it's pointless and I'm pretty sure against some forum rule :rolleyes: . The thread starter made this to show how people are taking advantage of their source to medicine. If you don't agree with someone click on a different thread. ;)

  12. People who feel like they've been on this message board so long like to go around accusing everyone of being a troll. Give it a break the person has a question.

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