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Feel like shit after going on a 3 day bender?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by greengirl1515, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. So I was completely blazed outta my mind for three days straight with no breaks, and today I haven't smoked at all and I feel dizzy and tired. Is this normal?
  2. Yeah you properly just got a low tolerance and can't handle it for 3 days
  3. get some sleep and you will be fine, you have what me and my friends call green fever
  4. im high all the time and always feel just fine
  5. I just don't get it lol. This has never happened before.
  6. that's a lot of foreign matter in your body greengirl. lay off the bud for a few days, chillout, drink lots of fluids, eat healthy, and you'll feel fine in a day or two. smoke in moderation, no reason to be tokin for 3 days straight. not to mention when you're high you might not be the best moderation of your health (drinking enough water, ventilation etc.) depending on where you've been you may be suffering from a minor buildup of carbon monoxide as well. Moderate corbon monoxide poisoning (headaches, fatigue, sometimes vomitting) can be cured in 3-4 hours of simply being in a well ventilated healthy environment. Just get some R&R and mellow out without the buds for a while. Go for a bike ride or somethin :p
  7. [quote name='"dm7111"']that's a lot of foreign matter in your body greengirl. lay off the bud for a few days, chillout, drink lots of fluids, eat healthy, and you'll feel fine in a day or two. smoke in moderation, no reason to be tokin for 3 days straight. not to mention when you're high you might not be the best moderation of your health (drinking enough water, ventilation etc.) depending on where you've been you may be suffering from a minor buildup of carbon monoxide as well. Moderate corbon monoxide poisoning (headaches, fatigue, sometimes vomitting) can be cured in 3-4 hours of simply being in a well ventilated healthy environment. Just get some R&R and mellow out without the buds for a while. Go for a bike ride or somethin :p[/quote]

    Wow that is some great advice. Thanks so much :)

  8. may i ask what is wrong in tokin 3 days straight? i ve toked years straightand have no problems realted to it .
  9. [quote name='"RussianHaze"']

    may i ask what is wrong in tokin 3 days straight? i ve toked years straightand have no problems realted to it .[/quote]

    So you've been baked from sun up till you went to bed for years straight? I doubt it. That shit takes a toll. I get too tired to do anything productive.
  10. It's just the hazy feeling after smoking. You'll be fine.

    Take a steaming hot shower. It helps trust me. The inflammation from your skin turning red causes your cb1 receptors to get busy, helping you out with this feeling.
  11. It's fine it's called a bakeover
  12. With breaks in between due to work, fitness, etc, yes.

  13. as in, you smoke every 2-4 hours so your high never wears off for 3 days? and don't get negative effects? because that's what this person sounds like.. if they toke a couple times a day for 3 days that's different.
  14. So did you literally smoke all day for 3 days straight? and then wonder why you feel a little groggy? :D
    slow down
  15. I literally smoked every three hours for three days straight, minus the time I was asleep.

  16. Sounds like my last 18 months :bongin:

    and only three days on weed of all things is hardly a bender lol
  17. This is life for a lot of people, nobody tells me not to smoke, it's literally available for me the majority of the day. Every time I start to come down I know it's time to smoke again. I'm not a fiend about it I just do what's comfortable. If buds aren't appealing to you at that given moment then don't smoke.

  18. almost a joitn waking up a joitn going to work 3 joints there and countless utntil i go to sleep and just smoke sativas durign the day and indicas in the night and no problem

  19. Word.

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