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feel like complete shit

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smoke or die, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Last night i smoked 2 bowls of some no name dank to myself. It was the third time i had smoked this week, but prior to that i havnt smoked in 4 months due to probation. So keep in mind i have no tolerance at all. Well i smoked the 2 bowls and got REALLY high. it was fun but i fell asleep like 45 minuets after. I woke up this morning and i feel like complete shit. my head is throbbing, i have a sore throat, mt stomach feels funny, and my legs feel really sour like i dont even wana walk. did i get some shit weed, or is it something unrelated?
  2. i think u just had a bad morning. Drink some water and start ur day.
  3. I don't understand these sorts of threads

    I have no idea why it makes you feel like that sounds like you're completely exaggerating your 'pot hangover', but I've never felt like that the next day from smoking weed, you probably have Avian Bone Syndrom and will die shortly.
  4. Most people drink 1/4th of the daily recommended dose of water. You are probably one of them =P DRINK MORE WATER EVERYONE you will get higher and feel better all the time.
  5. just smoke another bowl when you wake up , gets rid of all the pains ;)
  6. ok iv'e had pot hangovers before this is worse

  7. "pot hangovers" ?

    what is this?

  8. what snaek was talking about
  9. If you got super high and went into a deep sleep, then yes, you can wake up feeling very tired and sick, it's happend to me before. Try smoking less next time and try not to smoke before sleeping.
  10. Well I'd just like to start off by giving you my sympathies for your aches. The only thing I can suggest is to drink more water before, during, and even after your sesh and throughout your high because you probably are just suffering from dehydration and smoking in general can dehydrate you further causing your symptoms. So basically just drink water.

    Another thing I wanted to bring up from personal experience is the "Hair of the dog" principle which I've found also applied to marijuana. If I wake up with a bit of a headache of nausea from smoking the night before, I just light a bowl and I'm feeling ABSOLUTELY FINE! By the time my wake n' bake high fades everything is back to normal.

    Hope you feel better
  11. #11 hurb1, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    yes because smoking weed provides you with complete immunity from catching the flu, the common cold, and any other type of sickness......therfore it must have been a side effect from the weed see what im saying?
  12. drink some water
    smoke more.
  13. Your brain is confused because when your body went to sleep, you were blazed, but now you're waking up completely sober, so just smoke more and you'll be fine.
    Water never hurts either.
  14. So you got sick just like everyone else in the world and it's the weeds fault?
  15. ya i think it is not weed related

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