
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by psychicbubble, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. 1.) A friend told me the best time to feed is when the plant begins to show signs of yellowing. The reason for this is due to Feed Charts/Schedules being inaccurate and usually overkill. Is this true? Are there any other signs of when I should feed? I'd rather read the plan rather than follow a chart...

    2.) The mixture I used on my last grow was Basement Mix with a ton of nutrients in it. I didn't have to feed during the veg cycle at all. The downside was that we eventually got gnats and literally bugged the shit out of me. Any other mixes you guys can recommend with nutrients in it without the insect bullshit?

  2. Are you using chemicals or actual fertilizer? To rid yourself of the bugs, highly toxic levels of CO2 can be used (And your plants will love it) (About 1100ppm). They shouldn't be a problem though. There is a few ways to go about this. Compost teas or liquid fertilizers, soil amendments, top dressing and foliar feeding (Usually reserved for nutrient lockouts). If your plants are yellowing it can be a result of not only underfertilizing but overfertilizing as well, so that seems like a vague description. You want to avoid any signs of sickness, not wait for them and respond. We need a few more details though, flowering or veg, your set up , nutes etc. The insects and the nutrients seem like two different phenomenon, unless of course you have fertilizers that bugs like, like animal carcasses and what not. Also if your nearing harvest time yellowing can be a normal sign and wanted, as too much nitrogen stored in the plant gives you a harsh taste and a lot can make your bud crackle and pop when you smoke it.
  3. Hrs right and wrong. If you wait for the plant to yellow it's gonna streess too much. Do a feed of 1/2 dose in a feed water water cycle
  4. I have 1 veg room and 2 flowering rooms. The rooms are ideal conditions. Perfect ventilation/temperature, etc... The nutes I use are CNS17 Bloom and Pure Blend Bloom (both for cocoa soil, not hydro). We fed them during veg but the tips burned and they got "cabbagey" which we assumed was overfeeding. We were told there are tons of nutes in the soil so don't even bother to feed them in veg. During flowering, we fed maybe twice a week about 1/3 of the nutes and they seemed fine. We got small buds (bubba kush) so we didn't know if it was due to the nutes, soil, or the fungus gnats which destroyed the roots. I just wand to know how often I should feed during flower... twice a week? Every watering? I know the signs of overfeeding so I guess I should just feed until they start to burn or curl under... then flush a bit and reduce. What do you think?
  5. number one: never take growing advice from that friend again.
    buy good dirt.
    I grew in soil for a long time. I used good organic soil mix from the garden store.
    Never used an nutes until, flowering, It was some Tiger bloom product. I can't recall what.
    plants grew great.
    light source is way more of a factor than nutes(IMO).

    you can do a decent grow without a drop of nutes
  6. I think you should experiment for a while (which might result in under and over feeding) but I dont think you want to purposefully overfeed and then flush thinking things will "even out". You can get hermies if you overfeed (Happened to me), its better to underfeed because it can be remedied but if you over feed its harder to fix. Also dont treat every strain the same (Feeding and watering wise). You seem to be a bit more advanced in the growing field though so I'll leave this one to you. Do what Ihoops said?
  7. I forgot to mention the lighting... The veg has 2 T5 4bulbs. The 2 flower rooms have 1000w HPS in each.
  8. I just want a basis to go by on how often to feed... My first crop came out great aside from the small buds... the quality was incredible. I just feel like I'm shooting in the dark when it comes to feeding.. I don't want to just keep guessing.
  9. Add the feed to your water every other watering or feed, water water that's what I do. Pic is 2 weeks after cloning. Also yellow fan leaf happene while clone was rooting


  10. Edit for above: pic was taken 2 weeks after clone rooted. Two yellow fan leaves only two original leaves. The rest is new growth

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