Feds tipped off on potential 9/11 anniversary attack.

Discussion in 'General' started by Continuum, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Why they would do it when security is boosted up... This is a bunch of fucking hoop-lah.
  2. they'll probably hit somewhere else instead of those two cities, if anything happens at all....
  3. The goverment has pussified our armed forces.
  4. How did I know stupid fucking comments would immediately follow. Just keep an eye out people, that's it.
  5. I work in NYC 3 blocks away from Ground Zero and everyone's scared around here..

    Let's hope nothing happens..
  6. If there really was a plan for attack, why would they have told the media?
  7. They need to keep the fear machine going.
  8. @mushroom:

    Who do you mean by 'they'? Al-Qaeda or the feds? Al-Qaeda didn't tell us, the feds claimed to discover it:

    "U.S officials have been bracing for just such a plot after discovering documents in bin Laden's Pakistan hideout in May in which the al Qaeda leader called for a strike against the U.S. on the tenth anniversary of September 11th. "

    They also say that his successor has said in tapes that he wanted to avenge Bin-Laden's death, and AQ likes to use special dates and anniversaries. Those few pieces of evidence are to me reason enough to be especially watchful.

    If by 'they', you mean the feds, then why not? It doesn't hurt to make the information public, especially if it makes AQ more likely to call off an attack if they have one planned.
  9. If those tapes are all they have then Im gonna ignore this. Thats not credible enough to say theres an attack

    Now if they have evidence of actual preparations of an attack, releasing info to the media can blow the feds whole operation. They dont let things out just so the public can know.

    I was talking to a guy a few days ago. He was working with the FBI on a kidnapping case about 20 years ago. (This will also blow your mind too)

    They were tracking the kidnappers cell phone signal, and even back then they could get a very accurate location to where you were. Well, they knew he was heading west, but they told the media that he was heading South. If they knew they were on to him, he would get scared, and bad things would happen.

    These "terrorists" arent retarded. If they believe that the FBI/CIA is closing in on them, they are going to run, and try again somewhere else. Or worse yet, go to a backup plan they dont know about.

    In high level covert ops, you dont release shit to the media unless you are using it as a strategy.
  10. i dont know why everyone here is so retarded about this. yeah, its unlikely i guess that something will happen but its certainly not impossible....stranger things have happened. it would never hurt to keep an eye out on the 10th anniversary, after bin laden has been killed [by us].
  11. funny how this was ignored while everyone was fucking screaming, cheering, and losing their shit over the assassination of bin laden... but now they remind us again, and suddenly it's fucking fear mongering.

    fuckin fickle people we are.

  12. The problem is the government has continually wanted us to "keep an eye out" each and every damn day after 9-11, when there hasn't been another terrorist attack on our soil since then. This constant fear-mongering is only so they can continue to strip our rights from us, and the majority of the sheeple in this nation will think nothing of it.

    There are actually people in this country that are fine with removing every single right we have to "remain safe." Remain safe from the "terrorists" abroad, or the terrorists in our own government? That's the better question.

    "Anyone who will trade freedom for security deserves neither." Good quote by a good man.
  13. "I have no sympathy for human beings whatsoever"

    - George Carlin
  14. I was in Manhattan today, in the East 50's. Noticed a few polices vans driving around observing things, but there was also a helicopter way up just hovering for a long time. My friend said Grand Central terminal was full of cops, police dogs, etc.

    People are just going about their business as usual, there's no fear noticeable. I carried a guitar gig bag through several subway stations, and there were no baggage or backpack checks - although I am sure this weekend that situation will change.

    While I'm glad that I don't work near Ground Zero anymore, it's probably pretty safe because of the added security this weekend.

    New Yorkers take latest terror threat in stride - The Washington Post
  15. As long as the terrorist attack the politician section Im all for it. Keep the security around the Americans. Not the terrorists in suits.

    That way, we can make room for the people who deserve to be there
  16. Not worried

    Fear mongering. The Media just likes to scare people so they have something to "report"
  17. This is all a psyop.
  18. lol, I don't understand why people think this is inconceivable. We were attacked before. Remember that one time?

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