I was wondering if anyone knows if FedEx usually requiers a drug test after you apply for their job. I'm gonna apply for this one job tomorrow, but I wanna blaze up a J tonight. Don't know if I should hold off on it, or not.
Yeah they make you pee in a capless cup and then make you drive it across town to a certain adress in under 5 min without spilling it, its pretty difficult. Frankly I dont know
yes just so people know: anything that includes driving or warehouse moving (home depot, lowes etc.) requires tests. cuz insurance wont fuck with that shit if an accident involves a drug user, no matter how sober. they want to keep their money, so theyll write it off on the positive drug test.
rofl, i thought you were telling the truth for a second lebowski. lol, well the thing is, i smoked last night, so how long would that even take to pass my system.
dude everybody's biology is different, and every company uses a different drug test. that question is too vague. for me, itd take at least a week.
Well the position I'm applying for doesn't actually involve driving I think. It's just the handling/moving of equipment. I think there's some driving included, but it's probably so minor that it's negligible. Yea, I read that thread about Azo Standard pills....that sounds like it might work. I don't know, I'm gonna call that guy up tomorrow, and try to set up an interview for next week.