Federal Reserve To Take Propaganda To The Schoolroom

Discussion in 'Politics' started by xmaspoo, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Here:

    That has no bearing on it being blatant propaganda. The Federal Reserve has that name so stupid people won't question whether or not it is a part of our government. It's not. It's a private company, like Federal Express (which also has nothing to do with the federal government)

    If you see nothing wrong with a private company using tax payer funded schools and teachers to promote a lesson plan that it created then hey, that's your thing babe. I don't pretend to understand what craziness you leftists believe in. At this point everyone knows my stance on government and it's bullshit - It's your world, I just live in it.
  2. I'm not discussing my beliefs here, cupcake. I'm trying to determine if, where, and how this lesson plan is being implemented so that I can then determine whether or not it's something I think is right or wrong.

    Don't confuse an attempt to disseminate information with political activism.
  3. The moral wrongness and blatant ridiculousness of this bill has already been established, what is disheartening is the lack of severe outcry against this.
  4. Its obvious why they are doing this. They are brainwashing the young generation, the generation thats going to be voting soon, because they fear it might come to vote that the federal reserve should get abolished.

    damn, this is crazy.
  5. #25 tflga, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    If it's not teaching that the Constitution limits to gold/silver then they are limiting the ability to debate something
  6. Wikileaks?:confused:

  7. The federal reserve is not part of the federal government, it is a private entity owned by private bankers.

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