Fear is Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. Which one would you choose? When I saw this, I immediately chose the later, thinking that I faced the fears in my life. But with further reflecting, I found myself embracing fear and running from my problems way too much, and that I've been smoking weed to escape from reality, from my choices I've made in my life. I felt like a victim but in a short glance of clarity, I saw how my life would've turned out if I had faced everything and rised. I saw myself in a daze from a different perspective, forgetting to go to interviews because it was too far out of my way, or like not reapplying for college because I was too afraid of failure, to small things like not getting a tune up for my car cuz I'd rather use that cash on weed, (resulting in my car breaking down). Things like that I didn't realize this, but rather than weed being my crutch, I, myself was my crutch. I didn't realize that I didn't face everything, I didn't put out my best, so I couldn't rise. I was wise to this, asking God for help and for the courage, but it was only until this quote that truly set everything into place. I felt an energy to take back my life and to Face everything and Rise. Which one have you lived Your life by? Be honest in your answer.. 'There is nothing to fear except fear itself' Hope this helps, M3ssenger
Forget everything and run. I can assure you that most people feel that way, the ones who don't have either: A) made a serious life-changing decision B) witnessed a serious life-changing event C) bullshitting The chances of being A or B are pretty low.
It depends on what you define as "running" I mean for me it would be in a sense of running forward from what is my older self and forgetting the fears that I no longer have. Or am I over thinking the question? "When all is lost;Is when we're found"
^ I agree. Both are very similar if you choose to see them that way. Forget everything - Let go of the mind and be in the moment. Run - move quickly (direction by intention). Face everything - stay in the moment rise - move forward
Glad you see what I mean, as an elder of mine once said "You don't conquer fear,you conquer yourself,because when you take yourself out of the equation of fear,it merely becomes a stepping stone" "When all is lost;Is when we're found"
What your talking about is past tense and state of mind. Its either fight or flight. A rush requiring a split second decision.
I'm not trying to cop out, but I think both options are essentially the same. You can both run and rise. You can both forget and remember, not letting past demons control you while you still remember what those demons did to you in the first place.