it is a top movie, and i am quite moved to read the book, as it is heavily quoted throughout the movie i hear. i love maniacal tales such as this one, where the adventures and twists and turns are so unpredictable and outrageous... i can't even say i have a favorite part of the movie, because it is ALL so hilarious! anyone who has used acid, or even weed, can heavily relate with some of the experiences in this movie. one could only wish to have such a balls-out crazy adventure like this without repercussions.. and johnny depp fit the role to a T! he is such a diverse actor. i just saw "From Hell" a few weeks ago and that movie is unnervingly fascinating, he is superb. now you got me rummaging around for my copy of fear & loathing heehee
yea fear and loathing is my fav. movie to bad i had a huge ass party and it got stolen along with many good cds
yeah its one of my all time fav movies, johnny depp is a great actor i can't think of a movie he did that i didn't like.
The book was great....I hated the movie..don't ask me I just found it to be boring, stupid, unfunny, and a waste of an hour and a half......maybe it just wasn't my thing...on top of that no movie is ever as good as its book...oh well
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is my all-time favorite movie to get high and watch. Sometimes I wish me and my friends would take a video recorder out with us. I think we could make the sequel to Fear and Loathing. But one of these days I'm going to take that road trip!!!!!!!
aaaaaaah Fear and Loathing was my *favortie movie for a looooong time..I had a trip that went crooked though and all over the walls of the place were day-glo fear and loathing hand i havent seen the movie since but ironically, a buuuddy of mine is lending me the book..Ive heard that the book is waayy better than the flick too. johnny depp kicks big booty
Another book by the same author that I really liked was "Better than sex: confessions of a political junky" I'd recommend it to anyone who likes his writing.
there's a book???? awesome! i assume the titles are the same, so who's the author/publisher? it is definitily a laugh your ass off movie...
man i remember the first time i watched that movie i was rollin and there was no volume on........i had no idea what was going on and that movie gave me such an uneasy feelin......then i watched it drunk and liked it very much......good flick
this movie was incredible. I am in the middle of reading the book and it is plain to see that the movie is almost an exact copy of the book, with much of depp's monologue being taken as direct quotes. I must say so far the book has been much better, but the movie is still one of my favorites.