Maybe the politics forum would be better for this? I don't know, just sayin'. Oh, noes, the FBI broke the law. Someone call the FBI so they can get to the bottom of this and bring these criminals to justice! Oh, wait...
Haha; the FBI broke the law. Our government is a bunch of crooks from the top down. Hey Uncle Sugar, I brake the law every singe day so gfy.
The authorities break and bend the rules CONSTANTLY when you're in charge of making and enforcing the rules it is of no consequence to break them (unless you're looking to be punitive on yourself)
No surprise here. I thought it was common knowledge that the police and FBI overstepped their boundaries constantly to obtain wiretaps and bugs.
i'm waiting for the street cop who gets the same penalty for wrongly using a tazer against a young man as the same young man using a tazer on a cop i've got a sneakin suspicion that tazering a cop would jail a man for ten plus years. cops who are quick on the tazer trigger are usually suspended w/ pay...
Bunch of fuckin' cheats and hypocrites. Whatever, though. Sometimes I wonder if being a politician/government "official"/"authority" automatically strips you of your human essence... eh, w.e.
I just automatically assume the FBI oversteps their bounds in every single investigation they initiate. At least they're better than the CIA though. The FBI is like Ronnie Gardocki and the CIA is like Vic Mackey. (For those of you who never saw the shield...GO WATCH IT!)
It was kind of illegal for them to do so; and it sort of looks bad when a part of the government breaks the law.
I realize that they broke the law, but I don't see why everyone throws a fit about people's phone records getting looked at. So what? You called Dominos at 2:30 AM, you may or may not be a fatass. If they catch someone doing something illegal, they should arrest people, and they do. If you're innocent, it's as if nothing happened. Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear, and if you're not a law abiding citizen, you had it coming to you. As a lawbreaker, I accept that there are risks I take when I choose to smoke weed. Would I be upset if I was wiretapped and caught? Of course, but I knew it was against the law and decided to anyways. I deserve to be punished according to the laws I agreed to by remaining a citizen in this country. If I don't like a law, our government gives us free passage to go wherever we choose, but I choose to remain here because our government does a lot for us that many nations don't. So; a few points... 1- Some random guy looking at your phone records shouldn't throw you into some anarchist rage against the machine. It isn't a slippery slope, and the government is not going to start harvesting your organs to sell to wealthy sick people. 2. That said, the government should be punished because they broke their own laws, simply for the fact that it was a law, not because there is something morally problematic with looking at phone records. 3. Smoke weed every day.