Whats your favorite word to use... You know that word that you use any chance you get.. Mine would have to be shenanigans or hooligans I like malarkey to so lets see your favorite words & such
There's too many Vitriol Frak Gorram Fuck Whoreson Fuckwit Gregarious Cathartic Symbiotic Extrapolate
my favorite words aren't all that special but i have a little cousin who won't stop working the words "penis extention" into everyday conversation with EVERYONE. even clerks at stores.
fuck magical splendid cheeba Magical is my top sarcastic response. I say it to everyone. The other day, I smoked a bowl in my car on a "cigarette break" an hour before I left work. As I was leaving I was still a little blazed and said it to my boss, he didn't catch it though. I didnt let anyone know I quit cigs so I could slip out for the occasional bowl. My boss: your sales were pretty good this week, but I think you can do better. Me: (smart ass tone) Thats magical, I'll catch you tomorrow. He was just like what? and then got in his car... it was hilarious.
I like the words bitch, fuck, twat, cunt, snow, dank, and nignog, ni*gajigga Even if some are racist, i never use them as a racist word, i never call people any of the above words if they who would be offended.
Friends of mine have commented that I say 'Indeed' far too much. I'm not sure it's my favorite word, because I never realize when I do it. I say "Fuckin' A" like a fuckin' sailor, though.