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Favorite thing to smoke from?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by davidalexander, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. My gasmask, because it hits like a champ, and it's the best thing I got.
  2. mostly joints and blunts mostly cuz there easy to hide
    and i like to roll

  3. i feel that. rolling is a lot funner than just packing a bowl
  4. Jakey already said it, but I used to have a gas mask and I loved the shit out of that thing, something about bathing your face in a hit and being blinded by smoke that just gets me off.
  5. Favorite thing to smoke out of? Paper.
  6. I loved my glass pipe, that little fucker hit like a heavyweight. It was a beautiful thing we had going, until it smashed... D:
  7. Love my classic spoon pipe. It's just simple, reliable, and easy to clean. It hits well, and happens to be covered in cheetah print glass so there's that factor too.
    Got me a porn pipe.
  8. My new steamroller

    Attached Files:

  9. Parachute! Less wasted weed and smoke than anything else I've ever used.
    Then comes poppers, then bongs
  10. Hash+Tobacco mixed.Bong.=I just got used to it.
    Weed+Glass pipe=pure taste of weed,fill's your head.
  11. Papers, just cause I like rolling joints and you can throw in some nutmeg for a pretty good time (seriously, try it).
    Bong's a close second.
  12. My Volcano Classic.

    The sturdiest, most effective bag vaporizer on the market.

    This vaporizer lasts years. :D
  13. A glass spoon. I'm one of those people takes pleasure in the act of smoking and I just like the feel of it in my hand as I toke.

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