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Favorite thing to drink when experiencing cotton mouth!?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by kushkween99, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Fuck that shit. My cotton mouth solution is
    2 shots crown
    4 shots o.j.
    3 gal. Whale semen

    Super tasty
  2. I had an arizona once, omg lol.
    other than that i would say OJ tastes good
  3. shots of vodka
  4. Human breast milk
  5. Cherry lime ricky. I literally cum even when i just pop the top open.
  6. Jolly ranchers and smartwater.

  7. [​IMG]

    easy on the milk and 2 sugars
  8. mango fucking juice. yum
  9. [​IMG]

    I'm gonna drink iced coffee til it kills me.
  10. Orange juice with lots of pulp :yummy:
  11. #12 orville22, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2013
    I like sour shit. Kiwi lemonade. Or limeade
  12. Hot Dunkins' coffee for sure
  13. Chocolate milk
  14. pussy juice from my main bitch
  15. Ice coffee for sure, makes me feel less lethargic but still stoned and the caffeine hit makes me really energetic
  16. Orange juice
  17. sprite, squirt, coca cola.
    MMMM, gatorade to hydrate,
  18. mine is diet learn to use the search bar

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