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favorite stoner pet names?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kushgurl, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Okay so I'm getting a new cat, and I want to give it a 420 related name. Something that isn't so obvious so I can tell everyone it's name or something with a nickname that doesn't sound like it's 420 related. Like my friend has two dogs named blaze and smokey, something like that only cooler. any ideas? :smoking:
  2. Maryjane, toker, philly, rasta, simsilla, hydro, buddy (BUDdy), april, ganjara, higher, all i can muster up hard to think of non bait out names.
  3. honestly....we have a kitten named Bubba Kush for his fondness of my Bubba Kush clones.We call him Bubba and everyone thinks its because he is large (and kinda slow).Ok maybe not the coolest name but we love him.
  4. Cattabis, Meowijuana. Lol. More discreet? Umm, Stoney, Cheech, Chong, Harold, Kumar, Bill Clinton, lol that's all I got.
  5. Omg
    Im buying a cat right now to name it catabis
  6. Haha, nice? Right? Came up with it off the top of my head, hahaha.
  7. Name my dogs out of seedbanks.
  8. I named my puppy Indica. She will respond to Indy too
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  9. If you get another and you could name it Sativa or Sady. Or ruderalis, Rudy or Alice :p
  10. #10 BYOweed, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
    I'm naming my next girl dog Milla, pronounced somewhat like Mia, for Sinsemilla
  11. Token... Of gratitude... Or Maui(mowie) also Maui, Hawaii. "A dream place".
  12. My kittens name is Mary Jane, to none 420 friendly people (work) her name is Jane.
  13. Not really weed related, but I like the name Chairman Meow.

    Because, I mean, it's a cat. And who better to name a cat after than an aloof, brutal dictator?

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