Favorite fruit on LSD

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by xACExbongzilla, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. ????

    mines raspberries. never tried them til i tripped
  2. idk about eating cus i usually don't eat during the trip
    but we took banana peels one time and threw them against the wall
    then watched them slowly slide down
    we were frying so hard and it was amazing to watch
  3. I like grapes and tangerines
  4. fuckin tangerines

  5. hells yea. fruit on cid is one of lifes secrets. peaches are bomb as hell too. as well as cherries
  6. pineapple and watermelon :p
  7. Strawberrys
  8. Any kind of berries really, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries...
  9. Im allergic to alot of fruit =\
  10. I don't really eat while tripping, but I did have a wonderfully juicy sour green apple at rothbury that put me in a tremendous mood. I would imagine pineaple would be awesome while tripping.

  11. yea its hard to eat but fruit is just so great for some reason. expecially eating a fruit youv never tried before
  12. oranges........theyre three things at once

    an activity-peeling them

    a drink-theyre juicy as hell

    a snack-cause theyre food
  13. i forgot. FUCKIN GRAPEFRUIT!

    me and illusionist were walkin around with grapefruits and knifes while tripping and i noticed i didnt cut them open the whole time til we got to the playground. lol it was soooo good
  14. Clementines!!

    And ofcourse GRAPES!!!! :D
  15. last time i did acid i got through 2 boxes of blueberries... it was beautiful
  16. oh and a grapefruit
    peeling it was so hard, but so fun
  17. the green apples.

    and i like pineapples but they are too acidic
  18. Never done cid but peaches, pears, and pineapples are fucking delicious.
  19. Perfectly ripe and perfectly sweet strawberries.
    They are like pure heaven.
    Or applesuace.
    It feels so cool in your mouth.

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