Favorite condoms

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by desdeadeye, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 desdeadeye, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Whats your favorite brand, if you wanna be specific why not post a review? My personal favorite is Durex intense sensation, my least favorite is Trojan-enz(yuck, might aswell put a plastic bag on your dick if you like those lol). I hope you guys like this thread, hope it gets stickied:smoke:. Toke on,
    Your pal,
    P.S. this certainly isn't an all male thread, post your lil hearts out bladies, i'm sure you have a preference too:)
  2. anything but durex
  3. Trojan ftw.
  4. Damn Durex is my fav bro:D
  5. I'm a girl. I say Durex. You forgot an important option: Magnums.
  6. Trojan-Ultra Ribbed
  7. other;)
  8. Boyfriend uses Durex. I'm a fan of no condom. Feels so good to have him cum in me.
  9. I'm a guy and i hate condoms too but sadly they are a necessary evil i must deal with:(
  10. Yeah it sucks :(
    I really need to go to the doctor and get back on the pill so I can be done with condoms again.
  11. Yea i like girls to be on the pill, but sadly alot of times it isn't too cheap.
  12. This thread is like, for the people who likes to have sex with condoms.
  13. Crown Skinless
  14. DickSkin
  15. the one i "forget" to put on
  16. not necessarily, i hate them but must use them, so why not have a favorite!:D
  17. #17 GGrass, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Actually that comment was a joke. Let me try it again...

    This thread is like, for the people who likes to have sex with condoms.



    "Oh yeah. I love to fuck the Trojan. It feels so soft, you know what I mean?"

    "Oh man, Kimono is so fine! That shit's really tight, you know what I mean?"

    "Oh man, the Lamb-skin is the best! Feels so fucking soft, you know what I mean?"

    As if the condoms were actually the pussies, although made of rubber. The girl, just providing the hole.

    Goes the same for the girls too.

    The condom is the actual dick, although made of rubber. They boys are just providing the filling.

    May be those who likes to masturbate with rubber dicks will get better result from condoms...
  18. :laughing:Oh i get it lol, sorry ima dumb ass sometimes haha:D
  19. But you get it now, right? :D

    When I saw the list of condoms, I thought,

    'Hm... which condom would I like to fuck?'

    and it was pretty weird thought.

    I don't use condom for sex, but I sometimes use it to masturbate.
  20. O_O god u are awesome

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