Favorite alcoholic drink?

Discussion in 'General' started by Goopster24, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Just took a bartending class and loved learning about all the different drinks. Turned 21 a couple of months ago so still learning about real alcoholic drinks. I've already found some great drinks like 7&7's, Daiquiris, and some great shooters.

    What are people favorites? Have you come up with something different?
  2. Mines easy... jack and coke
  3. White russian :cool:

    oddly enough, rum instead of vodka is a delicious substitute
  4. About the only thing I've tried with Jagermeister and haven't enjoyed is Jagermeister with Electricity. Try taking a shot off of a circuit board. It isn't easy.

    But I'll compile a list of drinks that I've had with Jagermeister. Loved them all.

  5. mamosa and gin and tonics are my favorite
  6. captain and coke.... double the captain.
  7. Just made a Hot Toddy to help me sleep and relax this evening since I have to wake up early for the airport.

    Mug of Hot Chamomile Tea
    One part Honey
    Two parts Half And Half
    One part Lemon
    Two parts Jim Beam Bourbon

    Try it. Great cold remedy, too.
  8. #8 Predator1, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2008
    Do you know how to make a Bud Light 10 oz? If so, im lookin for a roommate.

    FUN FACT! If you Google 'bud light 10 oz,' the first result is my home county. For some reason, 10 ozers are popular here and not many other places...
  9. [​IMG]

    the drink of real men.
  10. PEPERMINT SCHNAPPS: -12512525125125/10
    Vodka = 5/10
    Gin= 8/10
    Beer = 8/10
    weed= 10/10
  11. anyone drink stoli?
  12. Jack and diet coke diet because of me being a diabetic. Budwiser or Guinness for beer
  13. Don't the carbohydrates in beer affect your Diabetes at all?

    I'm being serious, because my Mother is a Type 2 and she can't touch the stuff.
  14. I go any type of Vodka and OJ all night long.

    No pulp please.
  15. Vodka and apple juice :D
  16. Yes it dose but im a type one wich means I take shots wich means you can eat/drink what ever you want as long as you take a shot not trying to be a smart ass btw lol
  17. Lot of good stuff here. Stoli is good. I was at a bar a couple weeks back and they were having a Stoli promotion, giving away free shots. Great stuff.

    Vodka with anything is amazing.
  18. If I could only pick one, I'd say Yuengling.

    I thoroughly enjoy many different beers and brews though.

    Not big on liquor, but I like rum, ouzo, and tequila.
  19. Captain and coke! Love the stuff.
  20. Tequila shots with lemon/lime, no salt.

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