Happy father's day to all the other dads out there. This year, I took advantage of North atlantic's father's day sale and ordered myself a few more seeds (couldn't help myself). Anyone else get themselves a little something special for the day?
My husband went to the weed shop and they gave him an additional 25% off on each item. He asked if that was for Father's Day but they said no, it was for Pride month.
Larceny bourbon & Greek food. No luck getting some hot chic vids. Oh and of course some shit from the wifey, crickets.
I wish weed were legal in GA, I sat at home and grilled myself a steak, didn't even hear from my sons.
Did you have a fruity happy father's day at least? Lmao Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Kids suck sometimes and boys can be the worst for that sort of thing. Don't take it too personally! We haven't raised our kids to celebrate things like Mother's Day or Father's Day, or any other consumerism day so I won't be expecting a call...but with this economy they will probably be living with me till they are married.
I Spoil My Husband Every Day Really But Even More So On Fathers Day. He Isa Great Dad To My Kids An I Wouldnt Want Any1 Else TBH. I Also Thought Alot Bout My Own Dad An All He Did For Me. He Been In Heaven Since 2017 But I Will Never Forget Or Stop Missing Him. ~Toni~