Father and son send camera into space. so cool

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by HOUtx, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. prime...most prime....:smoke:
  2. Fucking awesome.:hello:
  3. love it! Imagine if you told somebody you wanted to do this even a few years ago...amazing times.
  4. Yeah I saw that yesterday, I never saw the earth like that before.
  5. *Slowly peers across room at HD Video Camera*


  6. do it! im determined to do it sometime. that shit would be an amazing project
  7. It's actually become a far more widespread hobby than I could have ever possibly imagined. Apparently it's been due to the ever-decreasing cost of GPS signaling equipment and, well, the FAA neglecting to shut down civilian projects of this nature - which I am certain they will do as soon as it becomes more popular.

    I'm pretty sure I would attempt to coordinate a launch in an area with low airline traffic, however how bad ass would it be to see a commercial jet flying past the balloon at 36,000 feet as you soar ever higher?

  8. Wow great video and idea.

    And what an awesome thing to do with your son. Those last pictures gave me chills.

    That would suck if they forgot to turn the camera on.
  9. prettty f'en cool
  10. That's unreal.
  11. The sad thing is, you always realize that kind of thing two or three seconds after it's way too late.

  12. This is the best idea ever. I can't believe how well it worked!

    I want to go to space so bad :smoking:
  13. Damn, that was sick.
  14. me and my friends watched this last weekend while we were stoned

    and we thought it was some of the sickest shit we had ever seen

    what an awesome dad I wanna do something cool like that if I ever have a kid
  15. that's awesome. i cant believe they actually did that, and it worked so good too:smoke::smoke: i need another j
  16. That shit is sicker than a mother fucker :metal:
  17. There were some MIT students that did that about a year ago and they provided instructions on how to do it yourself. I think it cost them $150 to do it

  18. they should do this next time there is a ufo over an airport or something, get a closer look at them.

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