Fatal spelling mistakes

Discussion in 'General' started by hippie flip, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Sometimes a simple spelling error can be the downfall of your very existence.

    Like earlier some guy text me saying "YOU SHOULD SEW HIS ASS" meaning sue his ass, at first I was like WTF some human centipede type shit but then I lol'd.

    So GC, what are some fatal spelling mistakes you have witnessed?
  2. also wu tang clan ain't nutin ta fuk wit
  3. Are we gonna have sex?

    Spelled out six, meaning six guests for dinner, that didn't work.

    Fuck you iPhone.
  4. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
  5. I've never seen someone die due to a spelling accident.

    But in all seriousness, just Google Image search "misspelled tattoos".
  6. That site is funny but all the good ones are pretty much fake, theres an app just to make fake texts
  7. First names Gary due to an unchecked typo I sent 5 cvs to prospective employers under the name Gay
  8. #9 IwasA.Smurf, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    "I'm going to duck you so hard afterwards"

    This was said to me lol
  9. I once said,

    "I want to be immoral."

    But I meant to say immortal.
  10. I have one that I actually did last year on MySpace... hahaha

    I was drunk, and decided to reply to an IM
  11. grammer natsi
  12. I was pissed off texting and I said...

    "You're such a fucking duck."
    "Fuck you, the U and I are right beside each other. You're a dick."

  13. I got a trophy at a hockey banquet when I was in High School. My first name is Tyke. On the trophy it was spelled Tick. I think I still have it boxed up somewhere.
  14. thanks for the shitty gift you cheap son of a bitch


    stupid autocorrect- thanks for the gift! i loved em!

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