Fat people are stupider than skinny people?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BongBreaker6, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Although I somewhat agree (I know a lot of smart fat people), there are some really funny fat people out there. Look at Kevin James and Jonah Hill (although he has lost weight recently).
  2. We need fat olympics every 10 years where a turbine winds behind a treadmill that is easily managable to any skinny person. After the first one, people will get fit, trust me ;)
  3. Dude the lower IQ kid probably ended up with a less paying job than the high IQ kid. Those fresh produce are expensive man.
    Think about it, 1 bunch of organic swiss chard cost $2.49 at my grocery store vs the $1 cheeseburger from mac donald. If you have a low income unless you cut edges on many other aspects of your life, going for a cheaper option for food is pretty common. Truth is the burger would probably be more satisfying than the bunch of veggie =\
  4. Somewhat of a simpleton who's skinny and consumes roughly 4,600 calories a day with nearly no exercise to burn em off:


    Burned and burned.

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