Fat people are stupider than skinny people?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by BongBreaker6, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Lol, that's a fat persons excuse really.

    You eat more calories than you burn you gain weight, it isn't rocket science really.
  2. The reason I'm overweight is almost entirely because I have no self control. I got a 30 on my ACT so I'm assuming it's not because I'm stupid.
  3. For real.

    Diet and exercise don't fail.
  4. seems like lots of people have prejudice to obese.
    I don't really make a distinction in people like that in my head, unless I'm looking for a sexual partner..
  5. what about stupid skinny people? one of my boys is just ....lol just watching or listening to him for 5 minutes ud laugh.

    where those people just fat in the past lives or wat?
  6. lol at the grammar police. you know that at one time everything "wasnt" a word...until someone said it.

    imo if you say something...tis a word
  7. Why do black people stink ?
    Why are skinny people faggots ?
    Why do Asians drive bad ?
    Its all stereotypes. there's no connection between how much u eat v/s I.Q.
    You're born with your I.Q. for those of you skinny people who didn't know that Lol
  8. It makes a lot of sense.
    I often look at fat/obese people and ask myself why they can't just exercise and eat right. I always ask myself why can't they see what they're doing to themselves. I know some of it is denial, but in order to be in denial you need to comprehend what you're in denial about and many fat people can't even see a problem with their weight.
  9. Never knew people hated on fat people so much.

    Must be difficult living fat.
  10. well i guess your right.. im fat and im stupid for reading all this crap!! wtf!
  11. ^ You're*

    Also, I generally look down on fat people. If the fat they have is due to laziness and eating junk food. There are some athletes who are fat however.

    Metabolism is a COMPLETE excuse for fat people and just one of the many permission giving thoughts that keeps them in their viscious cycles.

    "Oh I have a naturally slow metabolism, there's no point eating healthy/exercising because I'd never get slim anyway" *continues eating pringles*

    To the guy who said he could beat up people, slightly true. You're fat, you have a lot of weight behind you. But anyone with any semblance of fighting skill would beat you easily as they have an athletic advantage and probably more strength if the fight gets to the ground.

    They could also beat you in 100m, 200m, 400m, 3600m, swimming, cycling, any team sport and any solo sport.

    Got a problem with that? Come kick my ass over the internet chubby. :)

  12. im a chef not a grammar major.. or am i superb with spelling.. .thanks for correcting me and no one is going to try to kick your ass cause you think were chubby.. it honestly just shows how immature you are.. i mean what dose anyone being fat have to do with anyone who isnt..... is just like ppl who dont smoke weed.. why do you care that there are people that do??
  13. Fat people are also harder to kidnap
  14. The Obesogen theory is very interesting
    The McGill Daily » Obesogens
    UC Irvine Feature: Obesogens

  15. Metabolism = real.

    I eat all the shit I want and don't gain weight nor exercise much.
    I've had friends who eat half I do and they are 250 pounds.

    Although overweight people need to stop making excuses for being fat.
  16. That's true, I mean really, why should they be able to enjoy only half of the same quality of life you do without facing prejudice about it? What a silly notion that is. :rolleyes: I wonder what your excuse would be if your body couldn't keep up with your diet, regardless what it was, and regardless how much you worked out.

    Unfortunately, that way of thinking is all too common, and it gets a lot of people who think they are in decent enough shape, into a lot of trouble. I've seen overweight patients exercising and dieting, and restricting their fat and nutrition intake, until their hair and teeth start falling out, while still staying almost just as overweight. They'll lose five pounds, hit a plateau, and start getting sick instead of healthy, just in an attempt to keep up with skinny friends who eat snack cakes and ding-dongs all day long like they're going out of style, while maintaining a seemingly healthier appearance.
    But skinny or not, if you eat like an obese shut-in (using your low weight as an excuse, while laughing at those who are overweight, thinking they're the one's with the problem), you're not going to have good health in your old age, period, and you'll be just as bad off as the heavier folk, if not worse than a lot of them. Many people don't even have that option to eat less or healthier to control their weight, I've seen it with my own eyes, and it's a luxury you should be grateful for, it's not something to hold over the heads of those who aren't as fortunate.

    The crap we're exposed to during gestation, and then our childhoods, and all through our adult lives, has seriously altered our development compared to people in more 'natural' parts of the world; we're sicker more often, in spite of our 'wealth' as a nation, or a group of nations, we're both heavier AND skinnier in spite of our diets more often, we suffer more mental instability, and ultimately we die earlier and tend to suffer more towards the end of our abbreviated lives. I've known heavy people who wish they could eat as much and as unhealthy as their skinny peers, and skinny people who wouldn't dream of eating as little and as 'boring' as some heavy people have to, just to maintain some level of decent health.
    We're a very irregular bunch.

    After an 'end of the world', scenario, it's the heavy people who've been dieting this whole time, who will have the metabolism to survive food shortages.... those of us who eat 10,000 calories a day, and can burn through them by sitting on their bums, playing video games, are going to be quite screwed if food ever does run short. :) :p

  17. Have any of you fat-asses ever heard of a Low-carb/high-protein diet? And that doesn't include chicken nuggets from the dollar menu either.
  18. How is this thread still alive?

  19. Holidays bring out the best in people:)

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