Can fat people and skinny people be friends? It seems like fat people are always either jealous or pissed off at skinny people even when the skinny people does nothing to upset the fat people. They always have to act like the only way to get shit done is to push their weight around...
Uhm.. what the hell? Who the fuck have you been hanging around? That's about the dumbest thing I ever heard. Yeah man, like weight is a real influence on friendship.
I'm a really skinny person, but my best friend used to be really fat. He isn't anymore, but weight has nothing to do with making friends. It's all about your personality and how you act, not so much how you look.
A few of my good friends have been "chunky". Not fat, but bigger than me. I like when people accept each other.
why would something so shallow effect the possiblitiy of friendship? of course there are SoMe people out there who are going to fit into a materialistic (for lack of better word) category where they cant be friends with someone who is different but thats taking it to a level of ignorance and prejudice. hey im not skinny, sometimes i do make comments about skinny people needing to eat but thats my own securities. can i be friends with people who are not exactly like me? yes, that is what being human is, being different and learning from these differences and growing as a person
i disagree. I would compare it to 'short man syndrome'. I'm not saying that every single fat person is a dick to every single skinny person, but that some of them are. Just like some skinny people are disgusted by fat people and therefore treat them like shit. It happens.
Overweight people, I don't feel any different. But when it's fucking obese people I can't help but be, not disgusted, just a little sick. Then you see them get fucking handicap signs... My grandma has a legitimate reason to use a handicap space, and your fat ass is taking it up, simply because your fat If anything you should have to park at the BACK of the parking lot. Last time I checked, fat people still had legs, USE THEM ONCE IN A WHILE. I get that there are some diseases where you can't help but be fat, I have done more than enough searches, but lets be honest, that's only a small percentage of fat people, so don't give me that excuse. And then you see these same people who take up a handicap space eating 7 plates at a buffet... It's sickening to be honest. I can't believe people can let themselves get that bad... Busy life? Work all the time, don't have enough time... Fucking make time. You are going to die at 40 while I will live to 80. I guess that's why it's called survival of the fittest, because being a glutton sure as hell isn't fit.
isn't that a little insensitive though? isnt the whole purpose to have compassion? maybe they are filling voids in themself that need to be healed. not everything is out of pure laziness and not everyone has the same awareness of being able to control their emotions. it's not their time to truly live? but isnt it our duty as being an equal part of this "whole" to only offer compassion? Just a thought~~
Compassion for what? Getting a handicap spot when you shouldn't have one to begin with? Since when should people get handouts for something that is clearly their own fault (besides genetic disorders)? Yes it is pure laziness on their part. You're telling me you can't find 30 minutes to go running? I find that hard to believe. Wake up 30 minutes early, cut back on watching tv, take a shorter lunch break and go for a quick jog. There's no reason why you can't get at least a little bit of physical activity in... People who say otherwise just prove my point, laziness. "well I work all day and when I get home I have to do XYZ.." Again just excuses. It's not my duty to take care of your body. Their time to truly live? If they really cared about themselves they would have started getting in shape when they got a little over weight. But when you are a 400 pound glutton that just says to me that you don't give a fuck about your body. There's no reason to let yourself get that fat, ever.
dude im not sayin you are wrong, im sayin why is the energy you are taking to get pissed off about "lazy" people (and i have seen plenty of SKINNY people be lazy) be ignorant when you have no idea what their life has been in their perspective. is there an excuse to be lazy? eat til you die? NOT FOR ME, and my own well being, no thank you. but you having this perspective on them is wrong. hmm maybe a womans dad raped her for fifteen years and now she feels "safer" being obese. i mean bottom line is, people like YOU are the reason why "fat and skinny" people cant get along. judgemental people who dont read the book, just judge the cover.. either way, the "healthiest" thing for them to do, is see a therapist, to heal the initial cause of their depression. and then they will lose weight and start to get compassion from ignorant people like you that is all
[quote name='"namaste17"']dude im not sayin you are wrong, im sayin why is the energy you are taking to get pissed off about "lazy" people (and i have seen plenty of SKINNY people be lazy) be ignorant when you have no idea what their life has been in their perspective. is there an excuse to be lazy? eat til you die? NOT FOR ME, and my own well being, no thank you. but you having this perspective on them is wrong. hmm maybe a womans dad raped her for fifteen years and now she feels "safer" being obese. i mean bottom line is, people like YOU are the reason why "fat and skinny" people cant get along. judgemental people who dont read the book, just judge the cover.. either way, the "healthiest" thing for them to do, is see a therapist, to heal the initial cause of their depression. and then they will lose weight and start to get compassion from ignorant people like you that is all[/quote] Truth, besides the parts attacking your personality and compassion for humans. Let fat people be fat, let skinny people be skinny... if you're mad at one side about how they have chosen to live their life, welp, you can go fuck off. Their habit will catch up to them eventually... like any other.
haha wtf yeah why can't they be friends? half the time fat people arn't friends with skinny people is because fat people are tired of hearing how fat they are. I really don't think fat people are thinking 'oh these guys are skinny I hate them' as much as they may be thinking 'these guys are skinny I hope they accept me' I was fat when I was in my teenage years and there were potential friends I'd meet that'd make sideline comments about my weight, and there's the friends I have kept and hang with today who never cared and never judged me back when I was a little chubby.
I don't hate anyone, that's such a strong word. And I'm not pissed at all lol. Just making an arguement. Fat people and skinny people can definitely get along, I'm just stating my opinion. I've know plenty of fat people, my friend was at least 300 pounds... He would orders pounders at McDonalds. And calling me ignorant because I judge people makes me no different than you. You judge people all the time, so you are just as ignorant as me Don't take it as an insult Let fat people be fat, good point. I sure as hell don't care about their total lack of respect for their body. Let's gluttons be gluttons and skinny people be skinny.