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Fat Joints Thin Joints Tabbaco No Tabacco

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Soviet Sesher, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. This is pretty much based on over 5 years of personal experience.

    I started out smoking joints pure, i was bad at rolling so they were loose and badly chopped, had to relight after every toke and it was horrible.

    Began to think that you NEED to have tabacco to make it burn consistently, followed this rule for about a year and a half and it worked but i got tired of buying cigarettes purely for weed purposes. (Notice all this time i rolled THICK big joints)

    I now have come to realise that the best joints to roll in my opinion and experience are long thin joints packed as tight as possible and if you have a problem with taking a hit from it then just get a needle and poke in the joint to give it a smoke-air canal if you know what i mean (i pat it down and pack as TIGHT as possible and i have no problem taking massive hits easily but i can imagine others having problems)

    For these joints theirs no reason to add tabacco except for personal preferance because they burn PERFECT by themselves.

    Long Thing Joints Packed Tightly With No Tabacco= The shit.

    Post your opinion in this thread :)
  2. What i got from this is that you didn't know how to roll then you learned how to roll.
  3. ye also just telling apprentice tokers out there its not necessary to put baccy in jays for it to burn well :p

  4. lololol true. :smoke:
  5. A tight, fat, joint burns just as slow as a thin, tight, joint.

    If not slower.....
  6. I wish it was as easy as Wiz Khalifa portrays it to be. Weed should be easier. Guess it will be once I get my bong :smoke:
  7. huh? r u talking bout king size joints? or do u have some other method of making long joints?
  8. did i say anything about speed :p? fat joints are probably a better idea with alot of people but they also burn at higher temperatures so its not as smooth to hit.
  9. What i usually do is get two papers and cut them width wise (get rid of excess)and just use them to roll one long thin jay

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