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fat J (picture)

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jubagel, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. EWWe 2 pieces learn how to roll
  2. Burns too fast with only one paper, and I use a rolling machine so I get perfectly-rolled joints every time, so it has nothing to do with the joint being badly rolled.
  3. never mind
  4. I just rolled a 1.6g weighed out joint the other night that was the same length as the joint the OP posted in this thread. Could easily be 2 grams if you just pack it more.

  5. naw bro, it looks more like a mouthpiece
  6. filter/spliff

    rolled up cardboard in the end prevents loose weed being sucked out and adds support to the j
  7. Looks good to me!:smoke:
  8. doesnt matter, by sheer volume it is impossible to fit 2 grams into that tiny joint. i would bet $100 that it is below 1.2 grams
  9. Umm... sorry bro but ..

    THATS TWO GRAMS?!?!?!? lol.
  10. u shouldve made it longer by stickin the side of one paper to the other

    to me if i smoke 2 papers at once the taste is nasty and overpowering,if u made it longer it would be more of an even taste that you would not notice as if you were smoking a regular joint
  11. You're completely wrong, bro. Like I said earlier in this thread, I rolled a joint exactly the same length with 1.6g's of beaster. 2g might be pushing it but it could be around there.

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