Banking in Westword . Colorado Senator Cory Gardner "There's been a dramatic shift in Americans' views on cannabis in recent years. ... In a time when all the talk is about how divided we are within the country, we are remarkably united on this issue. It's happening in the bluest of blue states, the reddest of red and, in Colorado, the purplest of purples," he told his fellow senators on the committee. "Last year alone, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Utah and Vermont all adopted or expanded marijuana programs. In short, it's the states that are leading on the issue, and the federal government has failed to respond. It has closed its eyes and plugged its ears, and pretended and hoped the issue would just go away. But it won't." Colorado Comes to D.C. to Push Legal Pot Banking at Senate Hearing Colorado Comes to D.C. to Push Legal Pot Banking at Senate Hearing