Farting before I pee.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ThatWeedFiend, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Ok blades I know its a wtf topic but it seems that every time I'm at a urinal I am unable to let the stream go unless I rip a big one. Is there anyone else that experiences this? If there is then we could unite and find a cure for this disease. Or am I alone on this one? Sorry if this is wacky, I'm high8DSent from my EVO using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. A disease to some, a blessing to others.
  3. Just let it rip and drip...
  4. All in the attitude.
    Make that urinal your bitch and you're R Kelly.
    A fart is just man's way of saying, I AM MAN! HEAR ME ROAR!
    It's all good as long as the weasel's getting bled.
    (Ask your doctor if getting medical advice from stoned people is right for you.)
  5. I took a shit in a urinal once, fun memory.
  6. You guys are awesome.Sent from my EVO using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. Another beautiful thread.Sent from a potato.
  8. Wat in the actual fuck.

    ㅠ ㅑㅅ cㅗ ㄴㅁ ㅛ ㅈㅁ ㅅ
  9. my thought when I read your name
  10. Sometimes, farting while taking a piss can feel better than an orgasm. Somebody has to know what I mean.
  11. I love when people mistake GC with google hahaSent from my SGH-I337M using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. never noticed this with me. might have to try a little experiment...
  13. What if you just happen to have to pee after farting and you're looking at it all wrong?
  14. #14 himan235, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2014
    Why dont you ask fucking yahoo answers. In fact, I'm sure theres already a post on it there
  15. i pee before i fart..
    i don't go out much..
  16. one time my friend dared me to takea shit on my princables car, n siad if i shit i will pee, so i took a shit and ran home to whipe my ass and my god was it tichity i took like a 2 hr shower but man that was a fucking good time lol
  17. sounds like you have premature fartulation
  18. [quote name="smokinokie" post="19356757" timestamp="1389943655"]All in the attitude.Make that urinal your bitch and you're R Kelly.A fart is just man's way of saying, I AM MAN! HEAR ME ROAR!It's all good as long as the weasel's getting bled.(Ask your doctor if getting medical advice from stoned people is right for you.)[/quote]There are no words to describe my pure happiness. I <3 hobbit weed
  19. It's because you use them same muscles for both really. It's hard not to do one if you do the other.

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