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Fan and filter question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Flanigan, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Will a carbon filter and fan work in a semi open/closed area? The small closet goes straight up into the attic. If I have the fan/carbon filter sitting in the floor with the duct running up into the attic not 100 percent sealed will it do it's job of scrubbing odor? The closet is only 3 and 1/2 feet long and 1 and 1/2 feet wide or 5.25 square feet.
  2. I run my 4 inch a/c infinity fan with the filter on the floor in the corner and the fan on top, no ducting. It is exclusively for stealth odor control and any ventilation I get from it is gravy. I have all kinds of time and have experimented with just about every closet ventilation idea. I can run at a much lower speed by eliminating the ducting, and as far as heat goes, exhausting is over rated compared to colder ambient entering somehow. But yes, it is extremely effective to have stinky air recirculating over and over in the closet. My a/c infinity has 8 speeds, and I can run at the next lower speed and get a whiff of aroma, and then turn it to the next high speed and aroma gone. Fan noise is a huge problem, and the over and over in the corner on the floor straight up allows for low speed which means quiet fan.
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  3. [​IMG][​IMG]
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  4. Don't let anyone fool you , smell is always going to leak out .

    Its all about minimizing it almost nullifying it .
    I have a 8 x 4 x 6.8 tent
    Vivosun 6" 440 cfm 3 speed exhaust
    With all vents closed and the fan on high the tent looks like it want to implode so i leave all lower vents open and one top above the charcoal canister
    Draws in great air flow and i can open the doors a little with no smell in the house
    But outside the house where it exhausts i swear i can smell a bit outside
    My wife says I'm crazy
    I am working up to the A/C infinity T6
    For electricity reasons .

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
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  5. Very good information.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. Good to hear
  7. I believe my area is only 36 and 3/4 cf. That is good info though. Thanks
  8. Your wife can't smell it but you can lol
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  9. Happy to help.
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  10. The s6 is cheaper, just without auto control, but you can control it manually better I think. All that happens when I do something auto is I stand there waiting for it to come on or shut off. Then I get pissed because last time it worked, and now it is a minute or a degree off. And then I have to check all my gauges and it is just easier to turn on when I think it needs to be on and off when it needs to be off. There, I finally beat the machine at something.
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  11. I appreciate all your guys help and I can't wait
  12. I have a few 2 day old sprouts in my closet with a PC fan. It's only about 3 inches and has a bendable type neck on it so you can wrap it around poles or other stuff etc.. I have it bent on the side of my pot blowing directly on the plants and it looks like it's strongly blowing but I don't think it's too much. I'm going to take a picture though if anyone happens to be reading this you can comment if ya want to
  13. Right now I have those 3 In there. They are white dwarf crossed with Russian rocket Fuel and regular seeds so I don't know how many will be female or male. I figured I would end up cutting at least 1 out but hopefully not all. That's a 3 gallon pot with only 2 worth of soil. 2-40 watt 6500 Kelvin and 2800 lumen bulbs and I have 1 more and I have 4-13 watt-2700 Kelvin. I plan in the next 4 weeks to get a carbon filter system and a 150 watt hps but this is what I had to work with around the house. My space is 18 inches wide and 42 long or 1.5x3.5 or 5.25 square feet I believe. 7.5 feet tall. I can fit 3 3 gallon pots in there and plan to next time but as said this is what I'm working with right now. Hoping I get the money for the carbon filter on time
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  14. Are those all in the same pot ?

    If so separate ASAP before they grow a root and become entwined otherwise you'll be dealing with more problems down the line .
    If you have them in the same pot all suffer the same problems if one should arise[​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
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  15. Yeah I probably will get the carbon filter system but not be able to the hps until next grow so all I have total for light right now is 172 watts. 120 of 6500 Kelvin and 52 of 2700 Kelvin. No I don't expect much but I'm still going to enjoy myself
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  16. Yes I'm worried about that and normally would but it was all I had unless... I have these square pots but they are only 6inch x6 inch. You think III t will be alright to move them to the smaller pots a couple weeks until I get a little more soil? I'm not sure what I will positively do because I'm literally working with everything I have for a couple weeks besides those little pots. I have other pots but no more soil.
  17. I think I will move them since they haven't had time to root. I just read many times not to transplant autos but..
  18. BevBeca my wife does have a little soil for her flowers
  19. How old are yours? Mine will be 2 days around tonight ish

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