Basically im about 2 weeks into my first grow. Got 3 seedlings ones just getting its third set of proper leaves the other two are getting their second set. Im growing under my desk and dont wanna fork out for an electric fan so i've been hand fanning them a few times a day to try to strengthen the stems and keeping the window open for fresh air. Will this work and is it worth it Thanks
No that won't do it. A fan adequate to ventilate a small area like under a desk can be had for about $5, that's your concern? This thread isn't worth the electricity it is taking to read it...
Lol yeah fair enough ill go out when i have the cash....this is the "absolute beginners" section though so forgive the stupid question. you would lol so hard if you saw my budget setup got 2 desk lamps, seedlings inside a broken mug, a jam jar and the one proper pot i could find. wish me luck
I just use a handheld rechargable battery fan and prop it up at my one plant. Looks silly but does its job