Family guy or simpsons??

Discussion in 'General' started by AllSkunkNoJunk, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. correction
    they're comming out with 4 straight to dvd movies , the first one is comming in november. later on they will air on comedy central in segments
  2. The same guy who writes simpsons writes futureama. (SP?)
  3. Everything about family guy comes off as a rip-off of the simpsons to me.

    Peter = a fatter, louder, stupider homer
    Chris= a teenage Ralph Wiggum
    Lois= Marge

    Theres a few more but I'm not in the clearest state of mind to think of them.:smoke:
  4. you guys it really depends if im high or not.

    if im couch locked hig with laughing my ass mode on high then faimly guy definetly .

    but if i m sober then i enjoy simpsons a bit more cause its more plot and a little less jokes but still funny . while faimly guy is just mostly random ass jokes...
  5. You cannot beat The Simpsons in their prime, which I would classify as seasons 2 to about halfway through season 11.

    That being said, I think Family Guy has hit on a genius formula. Predictable structure, but the jokes are strong. If we're comparing them in the grand scheme of things, it's The Simpsons, but if you're taking a snapshot comparison of them in 2007, it's Family Guy.
  6. Family guy was hilarious for 2-3 seasons

    Simpsons were hilarious for about 8-9 seasons.
    Not only that, but the simpsons is classic.

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