It was 1980, Houston, Texas. I was homeless. Staying in a rescue mission. Another fella had gotten us a job with a local mover. We had gotten off work too late one Friday night to get into the mission. Since we had just gotten paid, we were going to get a hotel room so we could have a place to stay when two police agents stopped their car and shined their light on us. They motioned for us to come over to their car. They began asking all kinds of smartass questions, like were we a couple of faggots, and other general insults. I took out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down the nearest one's name. I asked him if the other agent had a name. He looked over and said, "Lets go!" They got out of the car and threw me across the hood. I asked them why they were doing this. They said I was under arrest. I asked them what for and one replied, "We'll think of something." After they put me in the back of the car, one walked over to the sidewalk and came back with two joints. "Possession of marijuana," he said. While on the way to jail, they stopped and chatted with two prostitutes. I was infuriated. I hadn't broken any laws and was on my way to jail, and here were two hookers they knew broke the law on a regular basis and they acted like they were all buddies. On the way up the padded elevator, I was surrounded by several agents who were trying to pick a fight so they could beat me. I knew better than to fight with them. I spent the weekend in the Houston jail. I got to watch several other prisoners being beaten by the guards. On Monday, the agents didn't show up for court so I got out. One defendant was taken out and back down the long hallway whereb they beat him badly. Another threw up in the courtroom. I went to Internal Affairs right after I got out. I don't know what ever became of it because I left the whole state of Texas. Haven't been back since.
damn i think that made my top 10 list of most f*cked up things i've ever heard. i've never been to texas but just the name makes it sound stupid
Me and my friends went to Dixieland We drove a big R.V. With a cabinet full of mushrooms And a cooler full of beer It was springtime in the mountains When we headed out of town The peaks were white, the sky was blue, and the sun was beating down We were rolling down the highway Just having a little fun Sure can drink a lot of beer underneath that Texas sun So I pulled into a liquor store That's where the trouble all began Because I ran into their awning, and we had a run-in with the Man Get me out of this small-time Texas town Cause I don't want to be stuck in jail when the sun goes down You can't bust me if you don't know what you found I tried to talk to the girl inside I even offered her some cash But she wouldn't listen She was calling the cops cause her gutter had been smashed And the next thing I knew when I walked outside There were police all around Asking "Who was driving the vehicle? Can I see your license? What'cha doing in our town?" Get me out of this small-time Texas town Cause I don't want to be stuck in jail when the sun goes down You can't bust me if you don't know what you found We were sitting on the steps of the liquor store Just trying not to look too scared They were searching the R.V. And I was thinking sometimes life just isn't fair Well they opened up that cabinet And they found our little stash But they didn't know what it was So they let us go, fined us 80 bucks in cash Get me out of this small-time Texas town Cause I don't want to be stuck in jail when the sun goes down You can't bust me if you don't know what you found Get me out of this small-time Texas town I'll be running before my feet hit the ground You can't bust me if you don't know what you found
patriot that was horrible! i wish you would have had some legal support to help stick it to them... i'm sorry to hear that YOU paid the price for THEIR ignorance and prejudice, and glad to hear you got the F- out of Texas!
Not to mention the corruption. There was predjudice involved as the fellow I worked with was black. They called me a "niggerlover" also. It's really great we can have all these prohibitionist laws so agents can carry things to make an excuse to arrest someone for standing up to them. People think that the government is honest and go into denial when you say otherwise. But the incident was all worth it because I get to share with all of you. That is only one of many a horror story I could share. I'll be posting more as we go along and time allows. I really have learned a lot in the ten years I have been involved politically fighting the prohibition. I never saw the other fellow again as he ran away that Friday night.