<span>SNOW THAT DOES NOT MELT ISNT SNOW! <span>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IF2MWkM3ao Here is my video from Finland: the snow melts. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=593722140715926 Engineered emergency: <span>http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/politics/2014/01/29/winter-storm-georgia-declared-state-emergency/4995199/ If you dont know what geoengineering/chemtrails are, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybWku-lJe6I What we are seeing in Georgia is nanoplastic, which seems to evaporate when it gets some temperature. It must be something similar to this they are using now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxIJdjizQes Good infobank: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/chemically-nucleated-snow-what-is-it/ They used massive amounts of the nanoplastic to create this emergancy situation. Why? Maybe just for fun. Maybe it was a test since they have been running low on barium since 2008. Those new "black chemtrails" must be also new tests with new substances which could be used instead of barium. They even use fungi/bacterium/viruses. Hell, I wouldnt wonder if they just sprayed H1N1 from the planes to get the vaccines selling & people be sick.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBmJRwZIvGE&list=PLhpi5RxeipMj6tCgQQZ5juAxaHIazsvtB&index=4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SenJud3cHLc Here is some best videos I have found so far from this subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uidZU-ypPlA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFQ8atVOwN0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSS6wa-DAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmhKeyfpU4c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tEza2wB20c https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152173786647980&set=o.291686185301&type=2&theater So please do some tests and post results: - try to microwave the snow (the vapour might be toxic, use ventilation) - close the snow in sealed container like glass jar and let it "melt", post results but be careful it might explode when the nanoplastic starts to evaporate so be careful! - "melt" the snow and do electrolysis with it (also dont breathe the gas) We have zero solutions to this. The radiation is also still coming out of the Fukushima plant to the air and the radiation from the sea will evaporate in hundreds of years into clouds and rain everywhere. The simple plan is that you make a closed atmoshpere inside your home with plants – also then when in some time you have purified ground where the plants grow, you can truly have organic food to yourself. Close down ventilation and make organic air! https://www.facebook.com/notes/henri-markku-mikael-lentonen/organic-air-bonsai-ecosystem-boneco/545241222230685</span></span></span>
So if they can create an emergency situation, why not do it someplace like South Texas, or Florida, or any other place that is completely unprepared to deal with snow? Bigger emergency. It's been cold enough where I am for snow but the government hasn't graced us with the emergency situation yet.
Well it's official. Barry obama announced that: climate change is real, climate change is fact. So how are we going to pay our carbon taxes that al gore invented (cap n trade) are they going to take it out when we send in our taxes?
Already a thread in the top of Pandora box about this, might want to search before posting. But no. This is real snow with fake science applied to imply conspiracy. Coupled with Internet spread and people's willingness to believe anything can be a conspiracy
I'm so saddened that people are retarded. It's really inexcusable in this era. OP- learn what a 'wick' is.
DUDE!!!!!!I'm in Rhode Island!!! I just tried lighting the snow on fire!!!!!!!!!??)?? KDIsndlxlanWhat is going on?!? I LIVED HERE For thirty YEARS I KNOW WHAT SNOW LOOKS, TASTES AND FEELS LIKE!!! BEEN HERE FOR 4 YEARS THIS ISNT NO TROLLING THIS ISMT ISNT ISMT ISMT REAL SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried taking a pic with a microscope I kinda failed. This stuff is a gelatin!!!!! Dude it's not snow I am going to continue taking a better pic
Ok so it's real snow. LolI put a lighter to an ice cube and I got the same results. Soot, and stinky vapors. Man that was a trip tho I guess I've never tried to light snow on fire
<span><span><span>There has been a rage about "sublimation". This is almost as stupid when people try to convince the other people, that water vapour just starts to expand in the sky after the planes. If you are referring to the wiki article, it has no example of this.</span><span><span> Like it says, the process is slow and happens when the snow is heated by the sun: not when you heat the snow with heat source like lighter, when it most def should turn into water. It is just nonsense to take this into this, since there is no examples before that water could made act like this even in the lab. It isnt snow if it is not turning into water. Sure, there is some water: but the main ingredient is some kind of nanoplastic, which will evaporate when it gets temperature. Thats why it would be very important, that people will but this snow into freezer for further experiments since I think the plastic will also evaporate just by time and sunlight. They do not want to leave any evidence behind. This is our time to act! Dont just share videos, but take evidence to freezer and also think new ways to make tests with this snow like doing electrolysis with the melted liquid.</span></span></span></span>
Its nothing http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/16438279-fake-snow-in-the-south-its-called-sublimation
Idk about this snow didn't fall right shit was fluffy as fuck was below 1 degrees wake up shit is still fluffy. Something is not right crazy how we can't even believe snow anymore. That's how you know shits fucked up I don't know what to believe. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
The snow is as normal as it's been since modern man. Of course it burns black under a flame but that's because our air is of the shit quality and that 'shit' ends up in the snow. That snow is just as fake as the water you consume from your tap.
lolololol i love how the op just posts a shit load of links to facebook/youtube shit with one 'news' site thrown in and mimics just what OTHER people (who are just as clueless) are saying, instead of you know, making his own informed opinions. you do realize your sources are just as credible as a 10 year olds science project, right? sensationalism is a very real thing. and you are eating that shit up likes it second breakfast.
So, I guess people are proposing that tiny particles of plastic are falling from the sky and sticking together, mimicking the behavior of snow? I dunno. When I go outside, the snow looks like snow, smells like snow, feels like snow. When it gets in my shoes it feels wet and melts when I come inside. Maybe its a government conspiracy to take away our feet!
snoop toad has an avatar of hypno toad hypno toad is a metaphor for how media is brain washing "aka alex333" is code word. alex is code speak for satan and 333 is the numbers of the demon of illuminati. i saw the exact same numbers in a movie about governments once. snoop is apart of a government coalition to make people think conspiracies aren't true. but little does he know i'm on to him and his lies. you and your dirty conspiracies about conspiracies not being conspiracies but they are actually conspiracies. I'M ON TO YOU! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!