Fake RooR?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Tha Professor, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 Tha Professor, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Whats up City?

    So i was down in the local head shop looking for a new piece when i start talking to the manager about a few of the pieces he had. Well we got to talking and low and behold he had a RooR in the basement if i wanted to check it out. I had my chastity belt on so i was ready for whatever kinda shinnanigans this guy had to offer. Anyways we go down there and he shows me this one RooR that they have, because they didnt have the license to sell them?

    Its nice and all, and he gave it to me for $200. i was just wondering what do i have to look for when dealing with fake roors? Just shitty quality glass or..?

    pics of the alleged "RooR




  2. Thank you kindly
  3. Not a problem at all!

    If you still have trouble figuring it out, just post a pic. :D
    We have some very glass-savvy members who could definitely tell you whether it's real or not. :smoking:
  4. Bump lol
  5. Looks legit, nice sigy. Joint looks solid and formed properly, ice pinches i cant really tell. Id say its real though, nice grab.
  6. it looks legit but im not 100% pos. on that
  7. Looks real to me bro.
  8. looks real but the base is kinda iffy
  9. I'm not an expert but the ice notches look a little off and the joint doesn't look right to me, it should come out farther.
  10. idk from what I know it looks legit but im not a expert
  11. Better pictures would help a lot. It's kind of tough to tell from the ones you've posted but as far as I can tell it looks fake. The base should be wider and the lip around the mouthpiece is too small as well.
  12. I'm not an expert, but this doesn't look real to me. If they don't have a license to sell RooR, they're most likely not selling real RooRs. The ice notches don't look great, and the base looks iffy. Just saying. If you love the tube, that's all that matters!
  13. Okay, ill take a few more of the ice catcher in just a sec
  14. The base of the piece and the slide look different to me, but I'm not an expert.
  15. Im reviving this thread haha. I'm just so curious, GC should i post more pics of the base and ice catcher then?
  16. This was all you needed to see to determine if it was real or not ;) You're good to go Professor!

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