Fags Of Facebook

Discussion in 'General' started by Sir Stoner, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. yep. I've got an account but I never log on. Its a waste of time, and I;m not missing anything.

    If I used it regularly, Itd just be a waste of time, source of frustration, and a way for people I don't want to talk to to get ahold of me. Fuck that shit.

    I've got a life to live. I don't want to waste my time being a tourist of life, documenting everything so I can post it all and expect other people to read and look at it.
  2. They got bored with the basis of FB so they have to add more bullshit to it. They think they're 'helping' or something I presume but I find it unnecessary and really FB has certain criteria's. Braggers, Whiners, Sluts(male and female). Ways for people to bitch about everything and force their views to such points because they feel empowered by hiding behind a computer.
  3. i heard of a judge reading this girl's FB posts in court and she got busted for posting a bunch of crazy shit about doing drugs and fighting
  4. as much as facebook sucks, the new trend is becoming instagram and i #cant #fucking #take #their #bullshit #with #hash #tagging #every #word.

    lol. all of it is bullshit, the internet is for talking with randoms if you ask me. talks to friends faces, or at least a private text message....
  5. Hey man you have a book face!

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